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Skyrim has stopped working overnight?


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So, they game was working fine the other day. I'm playing the game with no issues. I close the game, then shut down my PC.

The next day, when I try to open the game, After about a minute of nothing happening (That's normal) I just get a black screen with "Skyrim has stopped working.".

I hadn't made any changes to my game, at all during the time it broke, no load order or mod changes.


I've looked up the issue, and tried everything I've found. Restarting Steam, Restarting PC, verifying cache. I've used both BOSS and Tes5Edit, there's no load order issues.


I'm kind of stumped on what the problem is, seeing as I've made no changes at all since it was working perfectly..

Any ideas?


Edit: RESOLVED. If anyone ever gets this problem, go to Skyrim/Data/SKSE/Plugins and delete a file called "StorageUtil.save".

Edited by Jackdd
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I've now tried resetting my .ini's, re-installing SKSE, Running CCleaner, and undoing recent changes.

Still no luck.


Something possibly worth mentioning is that, when I run the game through normal means (Not through SKSE) the game gets onto the main menu. Of course, none of the buttons load (mod issues undoubtedly), but it's strange that I can get further into the game through something that should NOT work as opposed to something that should.

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