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Bandit Overhaul.


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I think by now we are all sick and tired of the bandits of Skyrim. You're exploring, doing your own thing, the next thing you see is a small army looking to eat your innards. I would think it'd be a great idea for a bandit overhaul to stop this. If you're passing through they shouldn't just charge at you. Honestly it'd be nice if they ACTED like bandits and gave you a warning "Don't come here." and if you got closer they'd try to TALK you into giving them you're gear/items/gold. Being the DRAGONBORN I highly doubt bandits would just openly attack you. So All I'm asking is a simple bandit changer into having them KNOW who you are and not just up an attacking you. It'd bring the game to a better level in my opinion.

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How would they know that you're the Dragonborn? Bandits generally live in the wilds, off the grid. They don't have facebook, they wouldn't really have any way of knowing who you are.


I wouldn't mind seeing them just act a bit smarter. Like a lone bandit refraining from attacking, especially if you have followers. They should try to maintain an advantage in numbers, and in surprise. I wouldn't mind seeing lone survivor bandits fleeing from the scene rather than fight to the death after you've slaughtered 8 of their partners in crime.

Edited by Shanannigan
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Bandits do warn you off, at least in my game. They say, "That's close enough" or "Stay back!" if you approach them in the wild. I'm pretty sure that isn't mod added behavior.


Yep, they do in camps/forts. Sometimes you have wandering bandits who attack unprovoked.


a men wearing the remains of a dragon, or a full set o daedric armor is not sameone i whould bother if i was a bandit :smile:


But there's 8 bandits, and one guy in badass armor, it's a different story. It's a nice bit of loot for them to split.

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No they don't. But think of it this way: Bandits steal and pillage. SOONER or later there is someone who is gunna mention that the Dragonborn will come for them, or that they will get there's in the end. Also they aren't only living in the wild. Some bandits would have to go into a town SOONER or later. And in my games Bandits are like "That's close enough!" As they are charging at me. It's kind of defeating the purpose.


What I'm asking for is actual dialogue!

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There's still no way for them to actually recognize the dragonborn realistically. This is a medieval type world, people don't have photo identification or anything. Until they've seen the dragonborn face to face, they have no way of knowing who it is.


Bandits don't go into towns because they generally have bounties on their heads, walking into to town for them is a death wish. They survive by pillaging caravans, robbing travelers, squatting in abandoned forts, etc. There's a bit of bandit dialogue which alludes to this, something like "I'll save up enough coin to pay off my bounty, and walk into town a free man". As long as they have a bounty, going into towns is out of the question for them unless they're turning themselves in.


They actually only posture when they say "that's close enough" "I'm warning you", it's only when you get closer that they charge. It may be that you're rushing in and not noticing that they actually do wait.


That being said, some dialogue would be nice too, providing ultimatums in a similar manner to the way highwaymen work in the game.

I wouldn't mind the ability to side with bandits, perhaps even being part of a bandit clan.

Edited by Shanannigan
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