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What are your favorite in-game quotes?


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"Before us stands the might of the darkspawn horde. Gaze upon them now, but fear them not! This man beside me is a native of Ferelden, risen to the ranks of the Grey Wardens. He is proof that glory is within reach of us all. He has survived, despite the odds. And without him, none of us would be here. Today we save Denerim. Today we avenge the death of my brother, King Cailan! But most of all, today we show the Grey Wardens that we remember and honor their sacrifice! For Ferelden! FOR THE GREY WARDENS! "


Alister or anora (my husband your king cailan) - the beginning of the end http://bestsmileys.com/bowing/1.gif



before entering the redcliffe castle


Isolde: " Who is this man, Teagan?"

Bann Teagan: "Were it not for his help, Isolde, I would not be here. I owe him my life."

Shale: "And we crush the heads of rude women when we feel like it. Just so you know. "

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This one!


Alistair: "Here, look at this. Do you know what it is?"

Warden: "Your new weapon of choice?"

Alistair: "Yes, that's right! Watch as I thrash our enemies with the mighty power of floral arrangements! Feel my thorns, darkspawn! I will overpower you with my rosy scent!"


Oh and...


Warden: "Alistair, she's one archdemon short of a blight."

Alistair: "Yes, but she seems more... "Ooh, pretty colors!" than "Muahaha! I am Princess Stabbity! Stab, kill, kill!"

Warden: "Don't make me stab kill you."


Alistair: "I've got this nefarious plan to go around to each of them, and secretly tell them all the nasty things you said. That way they'll mutiny, and I shall become the group leader!" (evil laugh)

Warden: "If you want to lead, all you have to do is ask."

Alistair: "What? Lead? Me? No, no, no. No leading. Bad things happen when I lead. We get lost, people die, and the next thing you know I'm stranded somewhere without any pants."


This conversation with Wynne always cracks me up


Alistair: Why are you smiling like that? You look suspiciously like the cat who swallowed the pigeon.

Wynne: Canary.

Alistair: What?

Wynne: I look like the cat that swallowed the canary.

Alistair: I once had a very large cat, but that's not my point. My point is why are you smirking?

Wynne: (Chuckles) You were watching her. With great interest, I might add. In fact, I believe you were...enraptured.

Alistair: She's our leader. I look to her for guidance.

Wynne: Oh, I see. So what guidance did you find in those swaying hips hmm?

Alistair: No no no, I wasn't looking at...you know her...hind-quarters

Wynne: Certainly.

Alistair: I gazed...glanced, in that direction, maybe, but I wasn't staring...or really seeing anything even.

Wynne: Of course.

Alistair: I hate you. You're a bad person.


Wynne: Alistair, may I have a word?

Alistair: Of course, anything for my favouritest mage ever. ("second favorite mage" if warden is a mage)

Wynne: It seems you and our fearless leader are inseparable these days. Joined at the hip, almost.

Alistair: That's a bit of an overstatement, don't you think?

Wynne: Well then, now that you're in an intimate relationship, you should learn about where babies really come from.

Alistair: Pardon?

Wynne: I know the Chantry says you dream about your babies and the good Fade spirits take them out of the Fade and leave them in your arms...but that's not true. Actually what happens is that when a girl and a boy really love each other --

Alistair: Andraste's flaming sword! I know where babies come from!

Wynne: Do you? Do you really?

Alistair: I certainly hope so.

Wynne: Oh, all right then. Aww, look, you're all red and mottled. How cute.

Alistair: You did that on purpose!

Wynne: Now, now Alistair, why would I do such a thing?

Alistair: Because you're wicked. That frail old lady act? I'm so not fooled. I'm on to you now.


Oh, this is a little off topic, but whenever my male PC gets in a romance with Morrigan and she leaves on the eve of the Final Battle I somehow have this playing through my mind:



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After sparing loghain


Zevran: So... is it Lord Loghain?

Loghain: I am no longer a teyrn, nor even a knight. Address me without a title, as you would any other Grey Warden.

Zevran: So just Loghain, then.

Loghain: Correct. What's on your mind?

Zevran: You know who I am, yes? I was one of the Crows you hired to kill the Grey Wardens.

Loghain: I thought you looked familiar.

Zevran: Well, I just wanted to report that I failed my mission, Loghain.

Loghain: You don't say.

Zevran: I'm terribly broken up over it.

Loghain: Hmm. Well thank you kindly for informing me.


And at wynne:

Loghain: Fine. I confess; It was entirely my idea that Uldred consort with demons. I had a dastardly scheme in which the utter destruction of Ferelden's best weapon would benefit me, personally. Are you satisfied now?

http://ladymoiraine.com/forum/Smileys/default/pml.gif I will NEVER play Loghain as a grey warden so this was hysterical! I've never heard it and never will, thanks for posting this!




I know there are a lot of Wynne haters out there but I find much of the companion banter with her, hysterical! Especially the way she says things, so calm yet so funny.


Her and the dog:

Wynne: You are a handsome canine specimen, aren`t you? Yes, you are.

Wynne: Oh, but look at that tiny stubby tail. Would you like a nicer tail? I could give you a long, swishy tail, if you liked.

Wynne: Just a wave of wand and poof! Tail. You`ll adore it, I promise.

Wynne: Or maybe you would like to be a different color? We could spice up that drab brown with some red, or blue. Perhaps even violet.

Wynne: Wardogs need to be pretty too, don`t they? Yes, you want to be pretty, pretty dog.

Wynne: That`s right, you just love attention, don`t you? And you want antlers. A big swishy tail and ant--hey! He... he made off with my staff!

Wynne: Perhaps I underestimated his intelligence.



Zevran: You know, I have heard stories about your Circle of the Magi, my dear Wynne.

Wynne: Is that so.

Zevran: There is a Circle in my country, of course, but perhaps things are different here.

Zevran: I visited the Antivan Circle on official Crow business, once. Met a beautiful young apprentice who was very eager for a taste of the outside world...

Wynne: Please! Please, get to the point.

Zevran: All I wonder is whether the templars guard the mages here as closely as they do in Antiva.

Zevran: In Antiva, the templars watch the Circle like a jealous husband guarding the chastity of a wanton bride.

Wynne: Interesting metaphor, but yes, it is not too different in Ferelden.

Zevran: And is it also true that when the moon swells to fullness, the mages of the Circle gather at the top floor of their tower and, naked under the stars, make love to each other?

Wynne: What? No! Maker's breath...

Zevran: Oh. I found out recently that it was not true in Antiva and hoped that it would be in Ferelden. Alas.



Wynne: Have you changed your mind yet? Are you willing to speak seriously?

Zevran: Of your bosom? As you wish.

Wynne: (exasperated) No, I do not wish to speak of my bosom.

Zevran: But it is a marvelous bosom. I have seen women half your age who have not held up half so well. Perhaps it is a magical bosom?

Wynne: Stop... talking about my bosom.

Zevran: But I thought you wished to speak seriously?

Wynne: I do. I thought, however foolishly, that you might be willing to speak of your past.

Zevran: We could do that. There have been many bosoms in my past, though only few as fine as yours.

Wynne: Enough. I am ending this conversation.



Zevran: You know, Wynne... I have a friend back in Antiva who would be very excited to meet you.

Wynne: I'm sorry?

Zevran: Salvail prefers women with experience and maturity. He says they have more substance, are more robust and flavorful.

Wynne: Does he now?

Zevran: Indeed. No need to deny it, Zevran knows a fine bird with he sees one.

Wynne: I am not a bird!

Zevran: There is no reason to deny yourself the pleasure of male companionship, after all, yes?

Zevran: You might talk now, but I assure you, Salvail is a gentleman of means, and quite handsome...

Wynne: I am going to walk away now. Calmly. Coolly. This is to save you the pain of having your brain forcibly removed through your ears.

Zevran: Tsk. This must be a Ferelden thing, I swear.



Enough Wynne for now. ;) All the above conversations have been heard in my actual game. Hysterical! :D

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Zevran's poem:


The symphony I see in thee

it whispers songs to me

songs of hot breath upon my neck

songs of soft grunts by my head

song of hands on muscled back

songs of thee, come to my bed.



Me: What is that? Sex poetry?




I was playing him a lot last night, or was he playing me? :yes:

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Leliana: I saw what you were doing back there.

Sten: Oh?

Leliana: Don't play innocent with me.

Sten: What are you talking about?

Leliana: You. Playing with that kitten.

Sten: ...There was no kitten.

Leliana: Sten, I saw you. You dangling a piece of twine for it.

Sten: I was helping it train.

Leliana: You're a big softie!

Sten: We will never speak of this again.

Leliana: Softie!




Leliana: I saw what you were doing back there.

Sten: Oh?

Leliana: Don't play innocent with me.

Sten: What are you talking about?

Leliana: Outside, you were picking flowers!

Sten: ...No, I wasn't.

Leliana: You were!

Sten: ...They were medicinal.

Leliana: You're a big softie!

Sten: We will never speak of this again.

Leliana: Softie!


Sten: Stop that.

Leliana: (Giggles) Stop what?

Sten: That. Looking at me and giggling.

Leliana: I can't help it! You are so big and stoic! Who would have thought you'd be a big softie?

Sten: Stop saying that. I am a soldier of the Beresaad. I am not a "softie."

Leliana: (Giggles) Softie.

Sten: ...I hate humans.



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Here is mine!

Morrigan: "Why do you ask me such questions? I do not probe you for pointless information, do I?"

Warden: "It's my favorite way of annoying you."

Morrigan: "Would it not be easier to simply poke me with a stick?"

Warden: "I could give it a whirl."

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