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Questions re: Gloves of Gardening/Blood Vials


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Hi all,


Have a couple of mod questions:


I'm having a difficult time understanding how the Gloves of Gardening mod works. I've gone through the read me but I still don't get it. I cast the spell (Mage mode), the bag is created and I "pour energy" into the bag...then what?!? I have 2 samples of the plant in my inventory--in this case, fennel, and they are the only 2 ingredients I have on me--the bag is created, time ticks away...the bag crumbles to the ground, and nothing. I'm sure I'm doing something awesomely stooopid but for the life of me I can't figure out what.


Blood vials. I have 8 in stock but every time I slay, say a troll, when I try to collect the blood I'm told I don't have a vial on me so it's lost. Why's that?


And this is just a little oddity I guess I'll ask: Why don't my amulets and rings show on my character? I'm using HG Eyecandy, female dark elf, normal sized build. I know the jewelry is working correctly by checking stats but they just don't show in vanity mode. Any idea's?


I'm not using OOO, FCOM, or any of the big overhauls. I do run Wrye Bash (thank you Wrye!), OBSE, and OMM.


Thanks so much for the help!



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I'd suggest tweaking your bashed patch a little... Armour shows rings, armour shows amulets, & clothing shows amulets = should all be under the tweaks options when you build it. Unlimited rings strikes me as a lil bit of a godmode but I can see why some people use it, same with unlimited amulets but I can't use that one anyways as I use the awesome Hemmingwey's capes for FCOM and the Capes won't show up if you use unlimited Amulets.

Afraid I don't have the Vials mod. Or the gardening one. So I can't help you much with the other stuff.


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As for the gloves of gardening, you have to put the ingredients into the bag, not keep them in your inventory.


Cant help with the troll blood.


As for the rings and amulets not showing, you won't be able to see amulets if you are wearing a cuirass/ upper body armour and you won't see rings if you wear hand protection.

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Hi and thanks for the help.


My bashed patch is tweaked to show rings and amulets but they still don't show up--even if I'm wearing them naked! I really don't know why. Also, I play a mage character so she doesn't wear armor so that can't be it... And thanks too, for the gardening mod help. I'm not quite sure how I'm supposed to get the ingredient into the bag but I'll work on it.

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Once the bag appears, you just activate the bag like you would a normal container. Or at least I think it is that. The last time I used the Gloves of Gardening was about 2 years ago so I'm not sure if a newer version does things differently.


If you have the bashed patch giving you unlimited amulets and rings, they won't appear on your character either. This is due to how Wrye Bash gives you the ability to wear an unlimited number of rings and amulets. Otherwise, it is only a cosmetic problem so it's something you probably shouldn't concern yourself with.

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