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FINALLY! I'm playing Shivering Isles.


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Due to technical difficulties, I have never been able to install, patch and run the Shivering Isles. That all changed a few days ago when a good samaritan helped me out and sent me the patch files I couldn't download. now, at long last, I can see what all the fuss is about for myself.




I never expected anything like this. The moment Haskill left me, and the walls exploded into a brilliant blizzard of butterflies, I was totally blown away and totally hooked. This was nothing like I had expected.


I had never heard that the Isles were so much like Morrowind. Everywhere I looked, it seemed, I found some other element from Morrowind, from the very skies and rocks to the people and quests. Big Head is here, wanting his fork. The giant Mushroom trees are everywhere, and even those weird muffin-top rocks from Vaardenfell's coastal areas are all over the place.

*snif* It's so wonderful.

Did Sheogorath have a hand in building Vaardenfell? Is the Sheogorath Region of Vaardenfell called that for that very reason? That would explain a lot.

Hungers are here, and Golden Saints as well, who aren't really so bad once you get to know them.


I don't remember Dark Seducers, though. When I first saw one I thought she might have been a Winged Twilight. Did they change winged twilights into Dark Seducers for this game, or do I just not remember dark seducers from Morrowind?


I really didn't know what to expect, but I did expect more of a diabolically evil place swarming with daedra. Instead, it's more of a giant asylum for tamrielic lunatics. Kinda nice of Sheogorath to provide such a place for them, I suppose.


I also had no idea about the whole Jyggalag thing. Oh, I knew who he was, but I didn't know the story behind it, so it caught me by surprise.


Since I've been laid up with pneumonia for two days, and am now snowed in with all the roads closed, I've made a lot of progress so far, finishing the main quest and a bunch of minor ones. This is the most fun I've had playing Oblivion in over a year and a half.


Now if Beth would just make another expansion like this one, maybe with Azura's realm. ( or maybe Jyggalag could use some help getting back on his feet, and he already knows how helpful you can be... ) I know they won't, but they're crazy not to milk this for all it's worth.

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Due to technical difficulties, I have never been able to install, patch and run the Shivering Isles. That all changed a few days ago when a good samaritan helped me out and sent me the patch files I couldn't download. now, at long last, I can see what all the fuss is about for myself.




I never expected anything like this. The moment Haskill left me, and the walls exploded into a brilliant blizzard of butterflies, I was totally blown away and totally hooked. This was nothing like I had expected.


I had never heard that the Isles were so much like Morrowind. Everywhere I looked, it seemed, I found some other element from Morrowind, from the very skies and rocks to the people and quests. Big Head is here, wanting his fork. The giant Mushroom trees are everywhere, and even those weird muffin-top rocks from Vaardenfell's coastal areas are all over the place.

*snif* It's so wonderful.

Hungers are here, and Golden Saints as well, who aren't really so bad once you get to know them.


I don't remember Dark Seducers, though. When I first saw one I thought she might have been a Winged Twilight. Did they change winged twilights into Dark Seducers for this game, or do I just not remember dark seducers from Morrowind?


I really didn't know what to expect, but I did expect more of a diabolically evil place swarming with daedra. Instead, it's more of a giant asylum for tamrielic lunatics. Kinda nice of Sheogorath to provide such a place for them, I suppose.


I also had no idea about the whole Jyggalag thing. Oh, I knew who he was, but I didn't know the story behind it, so it caught me by surprise.


Since I've been laid up with pneumonia for two days, and am now snowed in with all the roads closed, I've made a lot of progress so far, finishing the main quest and a bunch of minor ones. This is the most fun I've had playing Oblivion in over a year and a half.


Well, good for you. :biggrin:


Reading your post reminds me of all the fun time when playing Oblivion and Shivering Isles. Countless hours just sitting infront of the computer, collecting gems and carrots. Lol (I'm serious).

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AH yes... SI was Bethesda's last good DLC/Addon. Its an addon that moved mountains.... and mounted movements!


The fallout 3 equivalents of SI were horrible due to a lack of content. The Shivering Isles are undoubtedly the best Addon Bethesda has ever made for a game. (Bloodmoon was pretty good...)


On the note of the Sheogorath Region, It's actually called Sheogorad region in Morrowind. It's still plain to see that Sheogorath had some sort of hand in Vvarfendell politics, after all he is one of the '4 corners in the house of troubles' in Morrowind lore.


BTW, your enthusiasm made me feel strangely good.


I really wish I could relive the moment I first began playing oblivion... It was such an invigorating feeling. This post reminds me of that.


Thank you very much for sharing this thread!

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Shivering Isles is indeed a wierd place. I loved it myself and I still do. I remember the first hours after I started playing it, it felt awesome, unlike anything I've seen before. Crazy people, funny quests, everything was new and instersting and my favourite of all, Sheogorath with his crazy looking face and his awesome voice. I am glad you liked it, it's worth playing! :)
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I'll always be in love with the shivering isles.

Dark Seducers are my favourite race.

I'm currently working on a mod that makes the shivering isles feel more like, well, isles. Pinnacale rock will be an island off to the east, something like a thin dark mountain, with steps that spiralup to the top, which will have a city of mazken, where before and after the invasion of it, all sorts of merchants and services will be available to you. Inns, restaurants, enchanting, armour and weapon salespeople, etc. Brellach will also have it's own island, but it will be more island like, and have similar services, but not too many, because golden saints think they're better than you. It's such a great DLC, and I think it should be a vast experience.

I think it's silly that you can't bring your horse inside. So I'm making elytra mounts, and retextured deer and other wildlife/monsters to inhabit SI.

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Hey, that sounds pretty cool. It does seem like there should be more islands to warrant the name.


Elytra mounts??? That would rock! ( especially if you could take them home to cyrodiil )


One mod I'd really like to see right off the bat, though, would be just a little extra dialog for the gateguard on the island in Niben bay. All he says is to get away from him. I'd like to be able to tell him that I'm fine, or even convince him to take a quick look inside. Once ascended as Sheogorath, that crazy chick on the island should also be able to finally say more than just that I can't see her.


For that matter, I really wish that I could fix a few things after becoming the madgod. Letting that librarian guy go free, for example, would be great.

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I'm not the best at scripting dialogue, but I'll give it a shot. Maybe a sutom reaction from townspeople all over cyrodiil saying you're crazed. xD



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I have played a couple of games where I start a new character and head straight for the Shivering Isles and then don't leave. Try that if you want a challenge! You suffer from lack of spells, and even worse, you are always in the dark. There are no light spells or night-eye spells for sale, and no torches for sale. (It is sort of a bug. Some of the vendors have torches in stock, but they are not set up to sell them.) I explore dungeons by the light of restoration spells.


But I must really like it, because I am playing Shivering Isles for the third time and I have only played Knights of the Nine once.


The feeling of playing Shivering Isles the first time was just amazing.

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The first time I played SI I thought that it was an entirely different TES game. "How could this be an expansion?" I said to my dog!


It really is an amazing place. Almost an entirely different game. Really nice graphic and landscapes too.

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