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Fwp: Fun With Physics! Well.... Do You?


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Something that happened once was that there were boots on a chair. As i went to sit down on the chair, the boots got launched into the sky! It's fun to try, just place an item (the bigger the better) on a chair and sit on it!


Something else i liked was bowling. I rolled a sigil stone (although any round item will do) over the ground, to a formation of potions somewhere. Strike!


Ofcourse there are the obvious things which are fun too. Hitting items with spells, blades and arrows, throwing items at people. Launching items far into the sky with the telekinesis spell... Making a huge pile of trash and shooting an area effect fireball on it is fun too.


I once took some sort of basket... You couldn't take it into your inventory, but you could move it. I turned it up side down and threw it on some wood elf's head. It was stuck on his head for a few seconds.


Something difficult you could do would be making a high stack of books. Try not to let them fall ;)

And at the end when you are finished you just take the lowest book. :D Sort of like the pillow fort hobby in MW. Useless and time consuming, but fun if you had time. Or you could try to build a skeleton out of seperate bone pieces. :)


One bad thing that happened to me was that when i was throwing around my own helmet in the arena (don't know why i did it anyway) it felt through the ground in the middle. Luckily it was only a steel helmet but i never threw any items in the arena again.

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ha ha! bowling! :D


the arenas kinda wierd. a couple of times i found it raining inside the tunnel leading to it.

also had a few enemies somehow slip behind some iron bars around the arena and get stuck there so i had to start the fight over.


books aren't easy, i spent an hour trying to line them up on a bookshelf, just like the npcs have, no dice.

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My "fun" thing was in the Count's chambers in Leyawiin, I was doing Mazoga's quest, turned around, and saw some tapestries. Thinking of the much-touted but little-seen physics (has anyone actually seen a physics trap outside of the intial dungeon) I gleefully dove at them, expecting them to part joyously like a scene from Hero. Instead, my character splatted into them as if they were a brink wall, and left several teeth and his dignity smeared on the tapestries. Disappointing :(


A better one (if not more fun) was when I dropped a cutlass on a slope, and it rolled around in a circle with its point at the centre, just like a sword of that type would. Then a guy walked on it and it went all spinny and strange.

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Oh now thats just nasty... Still, shows that physics isn't perfected yet. Guess we'll have to wait for the Physx cards to come out (shameless plug, not that I sell these things or anything - http://forum.gamingsource.net/index.php?sh...0entry137072)
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Well, one of my favourite moments with the physics happened today. I was doing a DB quest, and I was in a situation where the victim was sitting in a chair, facing a table full of food.


I sneak attacked him from behind and the first attack killed him: His corpse jumped up and slid across the table really fast - spraying food everywhere! Even better, the corpse was left half dangling off of it.


It was definitely a Hollywood moment.

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i love those fanboy movies :D Seriously... That fanboy is the new fargoth. EVERYONE tortures him. Now with Oblivion, you can be much crueler to the fanboy than you could be to fargoth.


While being on that site, i checked some of the other movies. Here is a bug exploit, which you can have a lot of fun with.... Read the full description :D



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