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A Better Veronica and BNB compatibility


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I have recently downloaded both A Better Veronica and BNB. However, when she's fully nude, I only get the textures from Beware Of Girl Type 3 HiRez_HiDetailed and not BNB. I am pretty novice when it comes to modding or gaming in general. Are these 2 mods just not meant for each other? Is it load order? Or is it something else? I have tried rearranging them in orders that seemed logical for me, but nothing has come up. I tried dragging some files into one another, still nothing. I have tried everything that I came up with but still nothing. I need assistance from you guys in particular to solve this problem. I only have these 2 mods installed beside from Nevada Skies and WMX.

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Oh snap! I mean 3 mods installed, A Better Veronica, BNB, and BOG. Sorry

BOG is a texture replacer. This means it will overwrite any textures in the female texture files. If Veronica uses it's own textures, you can manually install the BNB textures to overwrite the Veronica textures. Otherwise, you will have to choose which textures you want to use. Either BNB or BOG.

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Oh snap! I mean 3 mods installed, A Better Veronica, BNB, and BOG. Sorry

BOG is a texture replacer. This means it will overwrite any textures in the female texture files. If Veronica uses it's own textures, you can manually install the BNB textures to overwrite the Veronica textures. Otherwise, you will have to choose which textures you want to use. Either BNB or BOG.


Thank you so much! I got things in the right place. Man, I knew I was in the right tracks, but I wasn't really sure. Thanks for helping me

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