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Fallout 3- editing .ini reacts in crash before main menu


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Basically game runs with default .ini with no changes made at all.


Any changes made to the fallout.ini (my docs) will result the game crashing before main menu or if i edit fallout_default.ini (game folder) then when those changes are added to fallout.ini (my docs) will do the same.


All i have tried to edit was Darnified font additions and archiveinvalidation to 1 rather than 0. I have tried these alterations with notepad, notepad++, winmerge and just by using archiveinvalidation invalidated!.exe



I have the Fallout 3 GOTYE via steam and Win 7 64bit. I have disabled GFWL, which no longer results in an error in event manager. I tend to use FOSE but neither FOSE or fallout3.exe work. I use 'run as admin' for both steam and FO3/FOSE.


Regardless the issue seems to be the .ini or a program checking the .ini


What have i missed? please help.

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Sorry in advance for double post


Basically, seems i solved it myself. Don't know how, or why and the lack of knowing annoys the hell out of me. Anyway i had made a few changes due to a few threads



http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1086942-fallout-3-crashes-when-ini-is-edited/ (did do a search but hadn't found it initially)

Specifically the mention of Darn, i had made the changes but i downloaded the FOMOD version which was wrong apparently. So this time i used the 7zip version. Don't know if it worked or not but seems odd since i made the .ini changes 1 at a time, ie. invalidation setting, cpu settings, mouse accel., then darn, with no success for any..... till now anyway.


2- Came across this thread as well


didn't use it but may help others.


In any case hope my troubles and their solutions may help others in the future.

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