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[WIP] A Touch of Immortality


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Imperialmodder "The Great"


Never got a glass of that delicious milk..........


Burried In Bruma


When the mapping of bruma is complete I shall find a suitable resting place.



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The problem would be that it would not display as it is written in the message box. But I will be happy to add one for you.


I have reserved SKI07 as you final resting place and it has been recorded by the Graves Registration Unit.

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Edit - I'd like to make a minor change in my Epitaph - a friend who read it was confused for a second.


James Shadowthief,

He obtained insufficiently secured items.

We found his head.



In the Waterfront cemetery if it still has space.

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Could I get this in Skingrad or Chorrol?

SI would be great if it ever comes to that one day. =)





Here lies Vylke, Sheogorath's fourteenth favourite concubine.


On her day of doom, she wait by his throne.

He walked up to her, and asked her to bone,

the shambles that that wandered onto palace grounds,

while she went to collect, he admired her mounds

of sweetrolls and cookies and cakes, you see.

She also liked cooking and baked, for he.

Whence she returned his eyes were alight,

and so did he ask: "Would you assist me tonight?"

Aware of her duties she replied "Yes my lord."

"I don't like Order in my Fringe," he said "But would you like it in yours?"

He placed her in charge of the attack on the Fringe,

An adventurer helped, but she was ultimately unhinged.

She had conquered the enemy, and things seemed okay,

but the Madgod was missing, to Vylke's dismay.

She searched high and low, throughout palace grounds,

And crying behind his fountain, the madgod was found.

"Your brethren need you, Mazken, they call for aid."

"I won't leave you my lord, and I will not be swayed."

"Then I ask one more favour, put this ring on."

She obeyed and, suddenly her clothing was gone.

What she chose after that, we should not have such talk,

all you should know; she died atop his Pinnacle Rock.


Main Entry: ep·i·taph

Pronunciation: \ˈe-pə-ˌtaf\

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English epitaphe, from Anglo-French & Medieval Latin; Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin epitaphium, from Latin, funeral oration, from Greek epitaphion, from epi- + taphos tomb, funeral

Date: 14th century


1 : an inscription on or at a tomb or a grave in memory of the one buried there

2 : a brief statement commemorating or epitomizing a deceased person or something past


A few lines not a story.




I do not see why you cannot fulfill the request,

Simply make it a book with a tombstone as the mesh.

Set the book to not be able to be picked up,

And you will find out how to write longer epitaphs and such.



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Edit - I'd like to make a minor change in my Epitaph - a friend who read it was confused for a second.


James Shadowthief,

He obtained insufficiently secured items.

We found his head.



In the Waterfront cemetery if it still has space.



I have amended the epitaph in the records. We are still mapping the assets of the IC, as soon as that is completed I will get you a suitable resting place.



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I do not see why you cannot fulfill the request,

Simply make it a book with a tombstone as the mesh.

Set the book to not be able to be picked up,

And you will find out how to write longer epitaphs and such.





It seems that you fail to understand the concept of this mod, we are using the miriam webster definition of "Eiptaph" as part of that concept. While the story is somewhat amusing it does not fall within the definition that I provided. I did not say the team could not do it, I said the team would not do it. There is quite a difference.

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Here lies Kassay


- Into battle she rode


To her enemies farewell she bode


Maybe she should have stopped think


"I probably should have skipped that last drink." -







anywhere would be sweet, it will be fun to find it



Your request is being filed in the reserved plot file as we speak! I hope you will enjoy looking for it! :biggrin:



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