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Obsessions and habits


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Just wondering if you guys have any obsessions or habits that you would like to share or talk about with the members of Nexus forum. You can be completely honest if you don't mind sharing it with others.


I'll start, this may sound pretty wierd but it's so habitual that I do it all the time. Before using a cup, ANY cup or mug, I would smell it first. I think I'm the only person in the world who does that. I just can't stop myself. :ohmy:

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I bite my nails. I need to listen to at least one electro song before I can sleep (Ive tried other types of music but it doesnt work...).


Those are the only habits I can think of...


Obsessions... Probably Na'vi, furries and electro music.

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I can not go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink. Maybe just a cup and spoon from evening tea, but not (ick) dirty dishes.
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I can not go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink. Maybe just a cup and spoon from evening tea, but not (ick) dirty dishes.


shud come over 2 my house for a few nights we'd love u lol


if im at home ill only drink outta 1 cup/mug. Ill drink everything outta it (after I clean it of course) was my moms, since she passed away Ive always used it for sum reason, way 2 remember her i guess dunno

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I have to use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation on-line. I cringe if I put a comma in the wrong place, and God forbid a sentence should start without a capital...
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I can't go to sleep without opening and closing my closet door first.


o_O I think yours would be the second most strangest habit among all of us at the moment, if not the strangest. Another habit of mine that I haven't mentioned since it might scare all of you off. Whenever I walk up a stair or the stairs to a stage, my final foot to reach the top must be my right.

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