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Gun Cleaning Mod


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i think what he means is change the weapon repair kits name to cleaning kit. then at a work bench have recipes to combine a weapon(ie hunting rifle) and said weapon cleaning kit which returns you a 100% condition weapon . to simulate you stripping and totally cleaning out the weapon and removing scoring and the such from moving parts to return it to like new.that of course would mean a rather large group of new recipes with ones needing to be added for any modded in guns

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That's exactly what I mean, only issue is creating recipes for every single weapon. I'd give it a crack if you give me a list of weapons you mostly use to start with. Then I'd add more when I can.


Also I can make it so no weapons can be repaired with others, so you'll either have to craft, buy or find a weapon cleaning kit. That or pay to repair them.

Edited by iRonnie16
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Interesting. We might be on to something here.

Well during the game I always use the 9MM pistol and then Maria, 44 Magnum then Mysterious Magnum, Hunting Shotgun but those are all later. So the Varmint rifle Sunny Smiles gives you right at the beginning of the game. And then the Doc always gave me a 9MM. Those were the two I used to start with.


And yes to the not repairing weapons with other weapons.

I like the idea of not being able to break apart 0% broken useless weapons to bring my 90% weapon to 100%. In my opinion it's more immersive and would add more of a challenge as well.


A few questions

Would the "Weapon Cleaning Kit" disappear after use?

Would this only work at a Workbench?

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Yes the weapon cleaning kit would disappear. I could maaayybe write a script to spawn a new one on the player upon crafting the recipe. Also this would only work at a workbench, I could maybe do the reloading bench but that would leave me twice as much work

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Yes the weapon cleaning kit would disappear. I could maaayybe write a script to spawn a new one on the player upon crafting the recipe. Also this would only work at a workbench, I could maybe do the reloading bench but that would leave me twice as much work

Something like the Degradable repair kits by phoynix?

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Yes the weapon cleaning kit would disappear. I could maaayybe write a script to spawn a new one on the player upon crafting the recipe.

You can't attach a script to a recipe form, nor do you need to. In the output simply add the weapon *and* a cleaning kit.


Also this would only work at a workbench, I could maybe do the reloading bench but that would leave me twice as much work

Just copy the workbench recipe form and change the category. IE. Change the ID (maybe affix _RB) and change the category to Reloading bench (or campfire or where ever you want the cleaning to take place at), hit OK and answer yes when prompted to create a new form. Just takes a couple of seconds.

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Something like the Degradable repair kits by phoynix?

I'm not sure how he did that

He just made two more variants (essentially copies worn and used), and changed their script (RepairKitEffectSCRIPT) to add teh next variant to the players inventory when used (repairkit adds repair kit used to inventory, repair kit used adds repair kit worn to inventory and repair kit worn doesn't add a variant).

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