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Questions about adding items with quests


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In my attempts on adapting to GECK after a lot of other games, I have a few questions on the preferred way to do things.


1. Most better quality mods seem to add items into the gameworld thru scripts for compatibility, so is the preferred way to run the script via a quest?


2. As adding items to vendors seems to be preferred to happen via a quest, does the quest stop after the script is run (in the case of a "dud" quest with no stages, only the script), or does it stick somewhere in the background until it is stopped by other means (like a "StopQuest MyQuest" command from a script, I see a circle here...)?


3. If I use "begin GameMode" to fire my script effects, will it "stick", or can I be in peace and be sure it really runs only once and ends when it reaches "end" in the script (assuming I had run the script from a dud quest)?



I know these little things don't matter that much, but I prefer to keep things tidy, and want no trash sticking from my mods ;)

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Thank you for the ansever :)


So using that way in scripting fires the script only once and then the script and the quest are out from memory? I have used that exact method in my scripts, but wasn't sure about the behavior of the quests and how they handle scripts.

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