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Most useful/less magic


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Excluding the count of destruction, which do you think is the most useful and most useless magic in Oblivion, and why?


Useful: Illusion- It has the most ways to protect the user and manipulate the enemy out of all magic schools to the point where you shouldn't even need to worry about needing to be healed. Demoralize; Paralyze, and Frenzy FTW!


Useless- Mysticism- Why is this even a mage thing? I never once had use for it outside of just messing around with the way I see stuff for fun. At least with alteration I can breath underwater and walk on water.

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In order of usefulness - in my opinion:


Alteration: Unlocking stuff, water breathing and walking etc.

Illusion: Sneaking simplified.

Restoration: Healing friendlies, dispelling diseases- Always useful

Mysticism: Again, its just something to simplify sneaking. Detect Life and what not.

Conjuration: I don't ever recall ever actually using this. In the PC version or Xbox360 - Apart from spamming it to level up.

Destruction: One use only- Annihilation. When i feel the need to kill everything that ever set foot inside a city. I simply just prefer smashing things with a Warhammer, or slicing up into little pieces with a sword. Or making him a pin cushion.

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I only care about Illusion. I find that no matter what kind of character I make, they can turn invisible. Paralyze is also awesome. I'm sure frenzy is great too, but I never did much with it. I turn in visible, run up to an enemy, go into sneak, then bash/stab it to death. Also, if one is a vampire, a quick increase personality or charm spell makes for a much easier time. Perhaps invisibility is toward the game-breaking side, but I don't care. Sometimes I am so sick of a dungeon and I want to blitz through it. Invisibility does that.


The only other magic I liked was Conjuration, which I only used to summon creatures. My first character was a stealthy archer, but so often, as soon as one arrow hit, I would be detected, no matter how far away I was or how high sneak was. So what I would do is summon a daedroth and let him fight and take damage while I picked off creatures. I grant that if the system allowed me to snipe, I would never conjure at all, but it is fun to be able to have your former enemies be your allies (or to have one creature fight its own kind).


As for useless, I guess I would go for mysticism, as nothing it does I care about. I may not use destruction magic, but I can at least respect elemenal damage.

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Restoration - I find it difficult to play without this.

Illusion - Just because Invisibility is game breakingly powerful (not really a good thing IMHO). The rest are non-essential toys.

Destruction - Well...in a combat heavy game killing stuff is useful

Conjuration - Not much can handle me + a Clanfear

Mysticism - Ehh I've used night eye and detect life sometimes...but really those are way more convenient as enchantments.

Alteration - Does what? Who cares. Aside from Shield enchanting my clothes that is. Again, sorta pointless as magic persay. Enchants only please.

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Restoration- Only useful if you get hit.

Alteration- I love the lockpicking game, and lockpicks are less.... flashy... plus this skill is pretty useless, level your damn acrobatics and athletics, and use the cheap ring you get from killing a bunch of fish!

Mysticism- Telekinesis is nice for knocking down hard to get without losing it or knocking it away somewhere unaccesable...

Destruction- boring and hard to aim

Conjuration- conjur- whata?

Illusion- l2 sneak, l2 speechcraft/bribe.

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