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Exterior WorldSpace Generation Query


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When exactly do you paint the land with grass and other textures? At what point do you put trees and other buildings like camps on the land? Is it done after the generation of the hightmap and before the World LOD generation - or is it done after the World LOD generation?


Also, what can anyone tell me about NavMeshing the outside world? Do I NavMesh the landscape first, then paint my landscape textures as well as placing buildings - or do I paint the textures and place the buildings first, then do the NavMeshing?


How do I prevent the GNR radio station (and others) from being found in a new worldspace?

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1. When exactly do you paint the land with grass and other textures? At what point do you put trees and other buildings like camps on the land? Is it done after the generation of the hightmap and before the World LOD generation - or is it done after the World LOD generation?


2. what can anyone tell me about NavMeshing the outside world? Do I NavMesh the landscape first, then paint my landscape textures as well as placing buildings - or do I paint the textures and place the buildings first, then do the NavMeshing?


3.How do I prevent the GNR radio station (and others) from being found in a new worldspace?


(2.A) Well hightmap is for editing a large area, with landscape being very small edits to that same land. So really it would probably be better to navmesh it after all that other work is pretty much done. But if you ask me I would just duplicate a worldspace an edit that with the landscape editor, because I don't know much about worldspaces or hightmaps yet.


Anyhow worldspace navmeshing isn't that hard. It's just like navmeshing a cell, only you have to press B so that you can see the borders drawn in black an yellow lines. At each border the verts on the triangles would have to match up as close as possible in hight as well from one cell to the next on the borders. Which can be difficult.


What I do is create a triangle near the border of a cell, then drag it as far as I can into the corner an start there, then move the other vert as far right as I can, an continue doing that until that part of the border is done, or maybe I'll do a whole corner of just the border. Also I try to get the diamonds from clicking on the land so the hight stays close across the border. Later on in the cell next to it is where it gets hard. I'll click near the corner, then move one of the diamonds up to where it should be (right on the diamond in the corner of the next cell) Then I'll move the other diamond to match the next one on the border. Then the trick is at this point where you have that diamond you just moved selected, you Ctrl select the other diamond which isn't near the border. And as you move down the border always keeping the one you just moved selected because it's quite hard to select a diamond once it's been placed on the border on top of another. You can only work on one cell at a time, so if you pick the diamond in the next cell the navmesh editor is going to move over there to that cell.


When you click the check to finalize the navmesh, then the borders should have a thick green line on them. Which notes that npc's can travel across. There's all kinds of stuff like this on the GECK main page, but not so much on hightmaps, landscape, an worldspaces. Check it out.


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