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most crazy member contest


the craziest poll  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. who...is...deadliest- i mean craziest

    • Calliton
    • Thor
    • Tortured Tomato
    • Monsterhuntermaster
    • Zprospero
    • Antonkr
    • Ancient Aeon
    • Commander Crazy
    • yugimawa

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Can someone tell we why am I even posting here for?


-Wait...what's that... jesus MHM, get away from that poor penguin!

-No, no, no...where did you get that knife from? Don't come any closer STAY THErE!!...dude..no arrhhh!

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*Penguin is stabbed with a spoon..... or attempted to at least* DiE dIe DiE. I hAte PpENGUINSssS!

Stabbity stabbity. Dead Penguin? No, Live penguin, Get on fire Penguin...... Wait? Do I like fire? Yess I do..... I get on fire. Yesssss, The FiiiiiiiiiRe...............




HSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.................. SIZZLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE..................... mmmmm fire.......

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