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[WIP] Silent Frontlines


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Not long after the Zeta Ship was destroyed, another unmanned vessel came to Earth. Unfortunately, the ship was in a terrible state of disrepair.


A small group of men calling themselves ‘The New Army’ found the location of a teleporter that links to this newly discovered ship. They knew right away that it was an incredible find and began building a new camp to protect the teleporter. They used an old bunker that they knew of nearby. It had been long forgotten, making it an ideal place to hide a secret this valuable.


The underground portions of the bunker would need to be expanded to become their new Base. They would still need to maintain a camp site above this Bunker for more protection from the Raiders.


With so few men in their group, they would have to get some outside help if they were ever going to rebuild the ship and get the base operational. In light of the new discoveries they made, and the new advantages they would soon provide, they decided to change their name. From now on they would be known as Silent Frontline or SilentFL for short.


The group didn't know where else to get the money they needed so they started to sell unwanted items from the Alien Ship. A few months of this extraordinary new inventory trickling in raised the suspicions of many people in the area.


A man from the Government caught wind of this and started to investigate. He wanted to know why they were selling such strange items and where it was all coming from.


The man from the Government had two clients that she worked with, one was The Brotherhood of Steel (BoS) and The Enclave. Both would really like to find out how and where this stuff was coming from. But the Leader of the group SilentFL went to the BoS as they had a few bases of their own not far away.


The Brotherhood of Steel had some Blueprints of an old Enclave Base the was destroyed long ago, they was able to use this in their plans on the Underground Base.


From then on SilentFL had the funding they needed to repair the Space Ship and to add more items to their Bunker Base. They would later be able to expand the Underground Base. Along with this new funding the army quickly grew in numbers, as well. The Base, or HQ as it has come to be known, will soon have soldiers in the thousands. Training Rooms, Medical Rooms, and all sorts of other facilities will be needed in the new expansion of the base.


The new plans for the layout of this expansion are already being drawn up somewhere in the dark halls of the Bunker..... No one is quite sure where they are but there are plenty of people just dying to find out!


Basically a base containing elements of the enclave, the usual thorned stuff and mother ship zeta.

It's about creating an army the player will encounter in their travels and they'll be able to join their cause. The concept is thought upon by Lord Reaper, I'm just here looking out for people that might want to help in various ways. As any form of help is appreciated, from thinking, discussing and commenting to actually helping us by modding.


Currently we're busy creating the interior and exterior of the mod:


The interior consists of:

Obviously these are already done.


# Bridge

# Captain's Ready Room

# Briefing Room

# Messhall

# School (For long Missions)

# Quarters

  • * Captain's Quarters
    * VIP Quarters
    * Officers' Quarters
    * Crew's Quarters

# Transporter Room

# Sickbay

# Cargo bay

# Shuttlebay

# Shuttle Repair bay

# Main Engineering

# Brig

# Lab Rooms

  • * Cryogenic Labs
    * Weapons Labs
    * Medical Labs
    * Science Lab
    * Astrometrics Lab (optional)

These are a couple of shots from earlier:






The outside will contain the entrance and a lot of vehicles. Those vehicles are finished and are currently being 'fixed' as they were repaired..but the exporting went wrong and they don't have collision now lol. Once that matter is taken care off I'll see to it that they'll get retextured to our own needs. These include all trucks, the army trucks and a few vehicles. The outside part can be seen as the 'garage', as it's mostly focused on guarding the entrance and maintaining the vehicles. The entrance is almost done, we're primarily focusing on repairing some vanilla items there as they are kinda required if one would show any legit working army.


The Quests aren't thought upon right now, yet they'll obviously start off with getting the player to know its history and future. Other elements worth noting is that the Silent Frontline Army will have various ranks, ranks in which the player will be able to grow as well. Each rank will have their own gear and armor and quests will differ at each rank taken. We'll customize as much as possible, doors/items/guns, but will also try and keep in elements that has kept the game successful in the first place. So obviously the base will get into a massive attack at a certain moment and the player will have to prevent the base from being destroyed. Any other quests could be 'retrieving' stolen property. Assignments given by your superiors and maybe at the end you giving assignments to your previous superiors.


I kept things brief to keep it readable, but the question is..well what do you think of it? If you could give a hand on any of the interiors, have an idea, suggestion for any possible quests, or just want to comment....feel free to post.

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Hello arkentera666.

I am looking for any help you can provide in Interior work. If you head to the Forum site of Silent Frontlines then when your there sign up then PM me there AS I'm there more then here.


Thank You

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