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Invisible .nif in game, shows in G.E.C.K., please help


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So I'm really new to mesh editing, and I'm trying to make an edit on an armor piece. After exporting my .nif from Blender, I opened it in Nifskope and copy/pasted the NiTriStrips branch that I edited into an identical armor that works in game. When I checked to make sure it loaded in G.E.C.K., it showed up just fine, as intended. However, when I load in game, the piece of armor I edited does not appear. I made all the necessary shader edits as per this: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout._Part_2. I'm really confused as to why the armor will not appear in game. Can somebody help? I'll attach the .nif, in case anyone is willing to take a look. Thank you in advance.


.nif: http://www.mediafire.com/download/cpsj72m3x0w2mp9/CombatUniformDC_DoA.nif

in-game image: http://i.imgur.com/cAJtJ33.jpg

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With your armor in NifSkope, open the NiTriShape on which you are changing the texture. Expand "BSShaderPPLightingProperty" and then expand "BSShaderTextureSet". In the bottom display, expand "Textures" and make sure the path to the texture is correct. From your screen shot, it appears the path is not. Left click on the "flower" next to the textures string and a small window will open where you can select the texture file. Click "OK" Save the corrected .nif file and exit.

Check in game to ensure everything is working. Don't forget to toggle "Archive Invalidate" in your mod manager.


I did not download the .nif since I would not have the texture set for this armor.

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With your armor in NifSkope, open the NiTriShape on which you are changing the texture. Expand "BSShaderPPLightingProperty" and then expand "BSShaderTextureSet". In the bottom display, expand "Textures" and make sure the path to the texture is correct. From your screen shot, it appears the path is not. Left click on the "flower" next to the textures string and a small window will open where you can select the texture file. Click "OK" Save the corrected .nif file and exit.

Check in game to ensure everything is working. Don't forget to toggle "Archive Invalidate" in your mod manager.


I did not download the .nif since I would not have the texture set for this armor.

That didn't work. It still did not show up in-game.

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What you want to do is to make sure to export your NIF to the data folder where you game is installed, with all the textures already in place.


For example, you make an armour called newarmour1. You have textures for newarmour1, called newarmour1.dds and newarmour1_n.dds, which you place in a folder called MyNewArmour: that is, data/textures/armor/MyNewArmour


Copy these paths into your new armour model in Blender. Export into the data/meshes folder, wherever you like.


Model should show up in-game that way.

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