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Are patches cumulative, or do I need to load them all?


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I am running 1.6 (from the hardcopy release of the DLC) and not sure what I had going before, but I certainly did not install each patch one after the next. So the question I ask is, do I need to go back and install them all, one after the next?


I do see weird things like Brotherhood knights wearing their miniguns like wristwatches while conversing, so I am thinking all is not well but not sure how to fix it.


Also, if I am not running Mothership Zeta, do I need 1.7 or is 1.6 good enough? The 1.7 release notes only refer to MZ.

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Yes the patches are cumulative, so no you shouldn't need to redo your patches


the mis-applied weapon bug is a normal one (i see it in 1.7 myself) if you have >Sharing and Caring Companions< you can fix an npc (at least momentarily) if you go in their inventory & get out of it. (this forces the NPC to either holster or equip the weapon correctly)


there are a few mods that need 1.7 but if you mean just among the DLC yeah 1.6 should be good for any of them short of MZ

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