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Subject Delta Suit


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When I first played BioShock 2, I loved the feeling of power given to you by the bulk of Subject Delta, the Alpha Line nuclear-bomb-in-a-suit. When I thought of Rapture and it's low economy and army of splicers, I thought of a wasteland, more specifically, the Fallout 3 wasteland. Which is where my idea came in. I know most modders don't just log onto NexusForums and say "Hmmm, what requests can I answer?" But I know that anyone who's played BioShock 2 loves standing over the body from which you drilled the life out of. I loved looking into my reflection from water or a mirror and seeing a beast among mice. Just look at it!!






So that is where my request comes from. Imagine walking the hostile, empty wasteland, as a walking powerhouse. I have plans for it, but I'm no modder, so all i can give are my ideas. I was thinking, a simple but possibly longer way to do it would to make a super mutant race mod available, then creating the Subject Delta suit as armor. There is a mod of a diving helmet, but it doesn't much resemble the Subject Delta helmet.





And here is a link to a more complete diving suit.



I've found a mod that created a drill specifically used by the Bid Daddies in the BioShock series. It should help with the arm attachment. If you can't attach to arm, then just add it as a weapon.



These could be used as sources, but together they don't much resemble the body and suit of Subject Delta. Please, somebody create this mod.





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I agree completely, man. I'm in the process of asking someone for help with the big daddy drill. The modifying I've done to it only reduces it's insta-kill capabilities lol. I'm also trying to find all of the sound files for walking so that I can make my own batch that sounds like the heavy footsteps of a big daddy. http://i47.tinypic.com/kpap5.jpg


I think the chance for immersion is only possible because of the similarities of the game. But being a heavy suited big daddy opposing the wasteland raiders would just be cool too! lol. If anyone takes this on I wanna help in any way possible.


-ps, I like the bouncer daddies more but delta's awesome too. Anything with that style is gnarly. Also still waiting for permission from original author

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Big sister suit would be awesome aswell. i would be good if it gave you like, a speed increase and let you jump really high and stuff.

I'd love to help out if anyone needs it, im not the best modder but im learning and any help with my experience would be great. :thanks: :thumbsup:

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The iconoclast armor would probably make a good base to start from.




image source: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Raider_Iconoclast_Armor

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