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Holster Physics Equipped Weapons


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This is a two part question.


1 I was wondering if there is a way to get my two weapons to display on my person. Like one rifle and one sidearm. Maybe it uses weapons you have on your hotkeys, or the last one you used or somthing.


2 I was wondering if there is a way to make the holstered weapons more....... realistic. Instead two-handed weapons sticking diagonally on the middle of your back, they go straight vertical nere a shoulder.







Then if you have a Heavy weapon (that doesn't have a back-mount), like missile launcher, fatman, tesla cannon can be stored on the other side.


and if you have explosives they would be on the lower back.


I think this kind of thing mixed with some of the backpack mods would make a cool effect.




I found a mod that made every weapon in my inventory show, but that is ridiculous

Edited by blaze1514
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Hey blaze!

answer 1: unfortunately the only way i know to display a second (nonequipped) weapon is wearing it as a clothing accessory. i hope you understand my crappy english - you have to take a weapon model/texture which are declared as clothing using an unused slot. but there would be no interaction possibility which means you can see for example a shotgun on your back but if you change your equipped pistol to a "real" shotgun, the pistol would disappear and the clothing-shotgun would stay and clip with the real shotgun.
i tried it some time ago bc disappearing weapons bothered me too but i didnt find a good way to fix that issue. for me i solved the problem with an wearable backpack - imagine you put your weapons in there by holstering.
if you find a way to do it - let me know, id be interested!
if you like you can pm me the name of the mod which showes your inventory, havent heard of it, sounds interesting!

answer 2: im pretty sure there are mods which alter the weapon "slots" like you asked, i dont know their names.
but the weapons still will have a similar distance to the body!
the problem is called clipping - i know it doesnt look very well with floating guns all around you but its better than weapons sticking in your body.
the distance between body and weapon is always the same so it looks absolutely terrible watching nude fallout guys with rifles floating 3" behind them but if they wear power armor for example it fits.

maybe i could help - you are not the only one with wishes like that so hopefully in the future some intelligent guys will make those modifications for people like us!


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Thanks for the reply.


1 I think maybe there could be a script that links the gun to its worn item. So if i had a single shotgun on my person, then I pulled one out as a weapon it would uniquip the one on my back. This would at least keep duplication from happening (having both weapons on back and holding would not happen).


Oh and your English is fine, I could not tell that you were not from a English speaking country.

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Your first request is possible but will require scripting knowledge and knowledge of the nifskope. It's been done before, but only for personal use. The reason why no one has bothered doing this, because it's a lot of work esp due to weapons that have multiple mesh due to weapon mods.

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Thanks :) nice compliment!

Yeah maybe theres a way like that but - i dont think anyone will do this for you bc it sure is a lot of work^^ just for a few specific weapons... i would recommend to learn scripting for yourself otherwise youll have to wait for sth which probably will never be uploaded...

ive got some ideas of how to do that too but i dont have the time to (learn how to) do it by myself.
if youre interested i would try to describe but at the moment im really tired and dont find the right words...

good luck though, mike

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1 I was wondering if there is a way to get my two weapons to display on my person. Like one rifle and one sidearm.

Yes, here is a couple of pics from a demo mod I released eons ago;

PICS; http://i1066.photobucket.com/albums/u404/devinlpatterson/FONV%20Mods-works%20in%20progress/rifles1small_zps2cef8763.jpg http://i1066.photobucket.com/albums/u404/devinlpatterson/FONV%20Mods-works%20in%20progress/rifles2small_zps3001643c.jpg











Although a second rifle is shown, there are a great many more options (left hip sidearm, knife in boot etc). There are a limited number of slots depending on how aggressive you want the mod to co-opt them. For instance something like an ear ring slot is probably OK to use in FONV, but if another mod author uses it for jewlery than there will be a conflict. All told you can have up to 9 or 10 weapons on display.


The real work is finding the correct orientations of the models.


Maybe it uses weapons you have on your hotkeys, or the last one you used or somthing.

Yes, my mod equips the brushgun on the back when it is unequipped, but I plan on having a version that shows items displayed according to the players hotkeys.


2 I was wondering if there is a way to make the holstered weapons more....... realistic. Instead two-handed weapons sticking diagonally on the middle of your back, they go straight vertical nere a shoulder.

I don't believe it's possible for the vanilla equipped item as the game engine determines placement (I believe), and I don't know of anyway to alter that. But for my mod the model can be placed anywhere and in any orientation, on the player.



but there would be no interaction possibility which means you can see for example a shotgun on your back but if you change your equipped pistol to a "real" shotgun, the pistol would disappear and the clothing-shotgun would stay and clip with the real shotgun.

There is no problem with interaction, the body slots inherently only allow 1 item per a slot and the displayed item is removed when it's real world duplicate is equipped or wielded.


but the weapons still will have a similar distance to the body!

the problem is called clipping - i know it doesnt look very well with floating guns all around you but its better than weapons sticking in your body.

the distance between body and weapon is always the same so it looks absolutely terrible watching nude fallout guys with rifles floating 3" behind them but if they wear power armor for example it fits.

Different models (varying only in the distance from the body) can be equipped for different types of armor (light, medium, heavy etc, via formlist) by the script, so that the displayed weapon is always the same distance regardless of the armor type.


Your first request is possible but will require scripting knowledge and knowledge of the nifskope. It's been done before, but only for personal use.

The demo mod is available here. Currently it's the brushgun only, but I'll be adding many more (possibly all eventually) in the future.


The reason why no one has bothered doing this, because it's a lot of work esp due to weapons that have multiple mesh due to weapon mods.

Weapon mods and their meshes aren't a issue. There are also functions for determining the mods that have been applied to a weapon as well (GetEquippedWeaponModFlags, GetWeaponItemModEffect, GetWeaponItemModValue1, GetWeaponItemModValue2).



Plus as a fringe benefit the same can be done with NPC's. Even allowing modded weapons to have their correct appearance when displayed on the NPC's person (although not when actually wielded as that is performed by the game engine).


Anyway I hope to get back into making some models, starting with teh laser rifle (as a community member has expressed a lot of interest in that model), and then creating some theme packs (cowboy weapons, etc), but I have no idea when I'll have time to work on them or even a general idea of a ETA.

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If you do the laser rifle, how easy would it be to add the Unique Laser rifle (the prototype) to the same script?


If there is nothing unusual about the model (and I don't recall anything on the prototype) like special effects or unusual transparencies it should be easy. The same could be said for any rifle type model that is slug over the back. I just have to locate my notes which contain the x,y,z position.

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So what you are saying is that with the laser rifle done you could reuse most of the coding for other normal 2H weapons (Service rifle, Plasma rifle, All american)


@mikegrauohr, The secret to sounding like a real american is to make grammar mistakes in your text. Small stupid things like using a . instead of a ?, or run-on sentences, and the most made mistake ever, confusing the types of there (their, they're). To sound british... use british spelling (example: US-color UK-colour) and use british slang while writing (Examples: US-run UK-Leg it, US-gas stations UK-Petrol Stations). Oh and british people have excellent grammar.

Edited by blaze1514
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God damn it devinpatterson so here youre again with a damn nice innovation!
i once bothered you bc of an update of loved bubba :)
i watched your demonstration video and it looks really nice! would be great if someone/ you had the time to complete it - would be so immersive...


thanks for the tipps blaze :D but though i try to avoid wrong spelling there is sure still enough wrong as if i could put extra faults in my sentences... my biggest problem is my word order i think^^

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