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Should there be a punishment for not rating mods?


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Enough already. The Rating System is quite a good one for a Community which is apparently full of very very sensitive People.

Well, it has its downsides; when i download a very simple mod, like my Mods are, i'll get the Idea within a minute because the mod is so simple.

But then i can't rate it for a few hours or so; I'll probably forget to rate it afterwards. Same thing with huge questmods; if the mod is good enough, i'll play for hours and hours and forget about the rating of the Mod.


In my Opinion, People shouldn't make mods that require other mods, because we've seen People pull their Mods off the Site and then you're fuc... sexually penetrated.


I don't get why anyone would care about endorsements; these are Opinions from People you do not know. And some People may have some other priorities then you do.


I'd rather not rate and say why, for the simple fact, I admire anyone who gives it a try, even if it doesn't turn out so well.
I'll take this as an Example.


Are you serious? Mods can screw with your Game in ways you can't see at "first Glance" so saving very often may not be very useful in some cases. If a Mod screws with your Game, please give it a negative endorsement. I'm quite aghast that someone would actually refrain from that. If a mod is total BS, give it a negative endorsement. Just to warn others.


Up to a Point, i can understand the unwillingness to give negative Endorsements. Some of them will be deleted anyways and in some other cases People got heat for saying something other then praise. If you are not on the very Top of the rhetorical Game, you will be called a "Troll".



Consider this: if you're not intentionally making a mod designed to destroy the games it is actually harder to get negative Endorsements then positive one. Some People actually gave positive Endorsements and top Ratings before they even downloaded the mod.

On the other Hand, i saw the Comment of someone being deleted who said "this and that mod already did this better then your Mod!"



This cheapens every positive Endorsements; does this commenter actually think my mod is good or is he just "anti-Trolling" trying to make a counterpoint to possible Trolls? Does this Commenter actually think my Mod is good or is he one of those People who give every new file highest Praise just for uploading it?



Since positive Comments around here aren't worth too much i don't think there should be anything to encourage endorsements on mods.


Now if someone told me where i made Mistakes and better yet, how to iron them out, that would worth more then ten People saying "great mod, 10/10, where's the download?"


In reading that sentence you highlighted over again, I see it didn't come across with what I meant. It should read-->I'd rather not rate obviously sincere effort negatively, but instead, tell the modder why I didn't.


For example on a pose mod pack I downloaded. I never could get it to work. I didn't rate it negatively, but I did leave detailed feedback as to why I didn't give it an endorsement. So I'm not rating negatively, but at the same time, I'm leaving relevant feedback to illustrate what the problem was to explain why I didn't give it a thumbs up.


As I say, if a mod seems to work for others, I'm not going to rate negatively, cause the root problem may just be my ignorance. And I can't mod yet, so I DO appreciate the effort this person put into trying. Now on the other hand, if a mod is uploaded and is foolish or ridiculously game breaking, then I might give a negative due to that person not caring enough to upload something worth downloading. This kind of situation is rare. Most modders, even if the mod doesn't do what they say/want it to, they did give it valiant effort to the best of their ability. So feedback to help them improve the mod is warranted and can work to help them improve. A negative rating does not necessarily do that, but could work to discourage them from keepin on keepin on to make it all it can be eventually.


I would negatively rate for obvious foolishness and malicious uploading of an obviously bad mod.

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I'd rather not rate and say why, for the simple fact, I admire anyone who gives it a try, even if it doesn't turn out so well.
I'll take this as an Example.


Are you serious? Mods can screw with your Game in ways you can't see at "first Glance" so saving very often may not be very useful in some cases. If a Mod screws with your Game, please give it a negative endorsement. I'm quite aghast that someone would actually refrain from that. If a mod is total BS, give it a negative endorsement. Just to warn others.


Of course mods can screw up our game, but no one is forcing us to download. If the modder does not give proper information about the mod or the mod is outdated, don't download it. These mods are free, no one is forced to provide support for what they make. One of the most intelligent things I red in a mod description is "Use it at your own risk!". Most of the guys who make mods have basic skills and they provide things as a result of those skills. Giving negative endorsements just to warn others ain't such a good idea. People need TO LEARN to read first and if they screw up thier game once, they will pay more attention next time they download something and stop asking so many questions that are already answered. Instead give positive criticism and let them know via your comments what you think. This way you inform both the mod author and others about the problems the mod has and mayby thanks to your nice atitude the author will try and fix the buggs.


I don't encourage excessive positive endorsing as it's a bad thing and it does not help, instead it confuses people. I don't see the point of beeing negative towards something when we could be positive, if we do enjoy/use that thing or simply neutral and ignore what we think it's not good for us, but this is just me. :)



Well, if you make a mod you can at least try to make it as userfriendly as possible. In my Opinion, Modders should do exactly that. Everyone should at least try to avoid the biggest Traps. Of course, Mods are free and if i screw up my Character because of something that i couldn't notice before i saved my Game a million times there is no one to blame but myself.

If you want your Character to be absolutely safe, don't download Mods, ever.


Nevertheless Modders should at least try to be careful; I made this little Cheatmod once and the Knowledge that you should duplicate Stuff and then rename the duplicate and then manipulate that hadn't really sunk in apparently; I uploaded a Mod that would give you super weapons when you push a Button. Sadly, it was the same Activator which is used at the Kvatch Gate.


So you could play the Game for quite a long time, then play the Mainquest only to realize that you wont be able to open the Gate. Of course you could just uncheck the mod and then the Gate would work perfectly, but then you'll stand there without a Weapon.

So i made a very simple mod and because of my ineptitude People may have been standing at the Kvatch Gate with no means to open it. At the very least, this will break immersion.

If someone noticed that before i did, please give the mod a thumbs down. When i noticed that, i deleted the Mod instead of trying to repair it and made a new Superweapon mod.



So Modders should try to be careful in my Opinion. Sure, they did a lot of work, the tools seem to be designed to be as frustrating as possible, but on the other Hand they'll have the fate of quite a lot of Characters in their Hands.

If you feel a modder didn't at least try to be careful in the slightest, the mod deserves a negative Endorsement in my Opinion.



For example on a pose mod pack I downloaded. I never could get it to work. I didn't rate it negatively, but I did leave detailed feedback as to why I didn't give it an endorsement. So I'm not rating negatively, but at the same time, I'm leaving relevant feedback to illustrate what the problem was to explain why I didn't give it a thumbs up.

I did get what you where saying; i figure you have downloaded some Mods and some of them may be rather complex, requiring stuff like OBSE or the Mod Manager in Order to edit the load order.

You know most of the Stuff in the "how to get mods to run" thread.


If you can't get a mod to run and you feel that this is because the modder neglected to tell you how it's done you may want to do some research; sadly it's entirely possible that you think other People got it running because they'll write positive Comments even if they didn't got it to run. As i've said, some People will give positive Comments even when the download isn't ready yet.


But let's assume some People got this and that Mod to run and you can't for whatever Reason. If you'll find that Reason later and it is something that could be easily explained in the Readme but wasn't because the modder was lazy, give the mod a thumbs down.

Modders should consider the Fact that not everyone knows where the Files go and that not everyone knows who "Exnem" is or even that it is a "who"...


I saw mods which hadn't a description on the Site only something like "If you can't be bothered to download this Mod to read the redme.txt, screw you!".

That deserves one Thumbs down for Rudeness, one thumbs down for trying to accumulate more Downloads to make yourself feel better and one thumbs down for not thinking about the Traffic the mod will generate for nothing, as People may dl the mod, read the readme only to see that this mod may be good, but isn't what they where looking for. A Lore oriented Roleplayer won't install a Gun mod, even if it's the best Gun mod in existence.


There are several rather good Reasons to give negative Endorsements; For some Reason, every thumbs down is watched very carefully as you Guys seem to suspect a trolling attempt behind every thumbs down.

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I would like to point out that the "negative endorsements" are technically non-endorsements. They don't count against your mod in any endorsement-related list. But yes, I do find the thumbs down and the red text to be quite misleading in this respect. I also think most people won't consider re-rating a mod once its problems have been solved because 1. it's a hassle (though a very small one) and 2. they aren't keeping track of the mod and probably are ignorant of any changes.
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One of the things about this is that after DL a mod, you have to wait 3 hours before you can rate it. Some people forget and don't bother looking at what mods they look at in the past. I rate certain mods, and some I don't, but to punish people for not rating isn't the greatest idea...No offence... :bunny:
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One of the things about this is that after DL a mod, you have to wait 3 hours before you can rate it. Some people forget and don't bother looking at what mods they look at in the past. I rate certain mods, and some I don't, but to punish people for not rating isn't the greatest idea...No offence... :bunny:



Check your download history! :thumbsup:

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Currently, TES Nexus removes all access to rate a downloaded mod one month later, unless you've become a premium member. Perhaps I am wrong in this, but it seems counter-intuitive to remove this ability to rate mods you downloaded a while back, when the main party who stands to gain by the rating is the modder--certainly not the downloader, who can no longer rate the their efforts.


Mind, I'm not suggesting this policy change, but consider: in my case, I've downloaded a few high level dungeons and quite a few armor mods that I haven't added in yet, because 1) I've just started over with a new character, and 2) I haven't gotten around to doing a merge of those armor mods, and my modlist is pretty large as is. So the 30-day window on rating would seem counterproductive in this instance, as I can't review what I haven't tried, and won't be able to rate it after I do. Who loses, here? Again, the modders in question.

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