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Making Books Unpickupable


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One might expect that just checking the Can't Be Taken option for the book in Creation Kit would accomplish this, but sadly that is not so.


If it were me, I would add a script to your book listening for the OnContainerChanged event to return the book to its original location (or at least cause it to drop to the ground). Not offering this as a better option, just an alternative in case the activation still allows the player to take the object.


I'll try that too :smile:


It is annoying how the Can't Be Taken option doesn't really work.

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  • 5 years later...

This thread is ancient, and solutions may well have been out here for a while, but for anyone still looking for how to do this I have managed to get it to work for my needs ... using previous suggestions above.


I have made a static note (Havok disable, Default havok disable script) with a static nail (same) and put a collision box around it, all pinned to a wall. I have then used a trigger box activator over the top of it to call this simple script:



Scriptname ?? extends ObjectReference

ObjectReference Property MyBook Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)

If akActivator == Game.GetPlayer()




that leads to this script:



Scriptname ?? extends ObjectReference

Message Property MyMessage Auto
ObjectReference Property NoteContainer Auto
ObjectReference Property TargetLocation Auto

Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
if akNewContainer == Game.GetPlayer()




...on the actual Book (in this case a note). The Book is placed in the world, hidden behind a mountain in another collision box (to keep it neat) along with a xmarker (TargetLocation). The script switches the Book from the players inventory to another container(in this case a container I have placed in the world) and then to the xmarker.


Disabling the note whilst in the container enables you to get the note back into the world (in this case roughly where it started - it's quite funny to watch as the xmarker spits out your book!) where it regains it's physical self and can go through the whole cycle again ... and again. I found that not taking it out of the container gave very odd results, where the game gave me lots of copies of the note.


It can probably be done without the need for a container in the middle but I did not manage to work it out.


The message simply tells the player that the item can not be taken so they do not wonder why the item is not in their inventory.


I wish there was a way to simply remove the option (take key) from the book menu but again I could not find it.


Hope this can help someone and if it can be expanded on do add to it.



Edited by TyburnKetch
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