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REQz - Armless Spriggan Model


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Hi ppl...I'm i need of some help,

Can any good person and modeler do something for me please, i got one idea which i cant fulfill since i am not the best at modeling.

I need a armless spriggan model, which should look something like this:


Please can someone do this, creator will get full credit for it, and access to mod when i release it!! :)


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You do realize that the spriggan will still act like it has arms and perform melee attacks with invisible arms right?


Or are you wanting this done for a corpse on the ground?


The modeler would need to know if the model needs to look like the arms were cut off, ripped out or just born without arms to determine how to make enclosure.


EDIT: Modifying the title slightly and placing it in the Requests area.



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you coming back on Nexus once you get home mate?
Not likely. If I don't see a spriggan in about 15 minutes, I won't stick around after work to work on it. ;) My wife typically won't get irate if I'm late 30 minutes...so that is about how much time I have to get 'er done. :D
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Dang, I hate rapidshare...says servers are too busy (overloaded). I'll keep trying.


EDIT #1: On this page, there is a "File Mirror Sites" section which details various freebie sites you can use. MediaFire is the friendliest I've used so far...and doesn't shove the "got to be a premium user" in your face or limit how many times you can download in a certain time period. :)


EDIT #2: I cannot download the file...it keeps telling me to either try again in 2 minutes or it simply says servers too full, try again later.



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