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the easies way to do this (without editing scripts or quests) would be to set up the snowglobe stand in your new home. Set each globs enabling parent to the vanilla snowglobe in Lucky38suiteFloor22. Remember to set the Same as parent check box.


This method will work with only the vanilla snowglobs, the DLC globes are handled through a scrips and played by there x,y,z .


If you want to see a more complicated way of adding snowglobe stands feel free to take a look at my NVInteriors Player home themes. I added a custom snowglobe stand in a new worldspace "Lucky38world01". I've set up the stand to work as vanilla but if the player sides with Yes man, the Snowglobe stand will then work like the FO3 bobblehead stands. This way you can still place them and get the rewards.


Hope this helps

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