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realistic movement


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Okay I've been looking everywhere for a mod like this but i cant find one. I think it would be awesome if someone made a mod that added more realism to movement. the movement it the game is to...gamey and not realistic at all. adding things like momentum (like sliding to a stop and doing a quick turn). or even changing how the character walks. also when you jump the character should crouch down and kick off (like how we jump).


If anyone can think of any more ideas or even try to make this mod that would be great.

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Try this one:




It really improves the running animation for females. Too bad there aren't male ones.


As for your request it has been requested plenty of times, it is most unlikely someone will do this because there are too few modders that are skillful in animating.

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You know, that is one thing the game is lacking. The sense of life, i think you have a good start with the movement idea. Deffinatly would add a sense of life to the toons. I know there are a few really talented animation modders out there, not sure if they are doing anything for Fallout though.. Beni (DMC Stylish) OWASephirot (too many to list lol) Umpa.. just to name a few. Oh and Skycaptain (Deadly Reflex) . Would be nice to see some work from these guys for Fallout. If anyone could do it, it would be them
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Well, to correct the 3rd person running it wouldn't be nearly as simple as replaceing a few animations. What you are talking about would also require a great bit of code to calculate things like slow down speen when you release the directional button and the like as well as totally new animations which would have to be added in somehow.


It isn't really poor animations that cause the running to look the way it does, but an oversimplified system that controls the running and the fact that there are not enough different animations used.


I can animate a character running, but a task like this is far beyond what I am capable of.

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