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missing meshes


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i thought i had finally fixed it all, but i was mistaken.

all chapels or cathedrals in the cities miss the meshes of the lights hanging down the roof (ceilings i think)

i was going through all my backup but i got everything in my original data/meshes as well, so are these files gone, or affects something else their "missing" ?


a link to the screenshot:



and i cant imagine which mod would cause this.

best would be if someone can upload the meshes of these items or give me a link for download, so i can add them back to my meshes folder! really annoying, this time.


btw, strange thing: i had a similar problem with the bruma socket fires, missing meshes as well. then i installed dalls bruma, and voila, they are there. so is it possible i once installed a mod which had an effect of these meshes i miss now in the chapels, but i simply forgot about it? i tried to check nexus for chapel mods, but no meshes for me there ...


please, help.



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If these are from the vanilla game, it is illegal to share them here. However, if they are indeed from the vanilla game, they are still in your files. and are being overwritten by some mod. The vanilla textures and meshes are ALL in the bsa files that are NEVER changed by mods. They are loaded first, and are overwritten each and every time you start the game by the mods.


When you remove a esp from the data list, it does not remove the meshes and textures. You must go into the mesh and texture folders to find and remove these meshes and textures manually. Once that rouge mesh is removed, the original game mesh will appear.


If you want to test to be sure the vanilla mesh is there you can revert to a vanilla only game


Instead of reinstalling the entire game, try this:

Rename your \data folder to something like \oldata. This removes all mods completely - unfortunately it removes everything. to put back only what is needed, create a new Oblivion\data folder where the original was located. Copy - do not move the following files from your oldata to the new data folder


Music (folder)

Shaders (folder)

Video (folder)

Credits (text)

Oblivion - Meshes.bsa

Oblivion - Misc.bsa

Oblivion - Sounds.bsa

Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa

Oblivion - Voices1.bsa

Oblivion - voices2.bsa



Notice there is no Meshes or Textures folders, as they are added when you start installing mods.


This will be your unmodified game, (also called vanilla) with the official patch already installed (if you installed it already) back to the exact configuration it was in before you installed any mods. It will not affect OBSE as that is installed in the Oblivion folder. It Will remove OBMM though.


Start a new game WITHOUT starting OBSE. and test it. If it works, your problem was caused by mods. If not, you must reinstall. Once you get a working vanilla game - NO mods make a COPY of this in a new folder outside of the Oblivion folder - this will be your emergency backup to avoid having to reinstall when you have problems. Now start the game using OBSE to see if that works. The game should start just as if OBSE wasn't started. This does not test all of OBSE, just the start game part.


Now install OBMM. You will use OBMM and not the game data to activate mods from now on. They will show in load order. Test to be sure it works. There is a launch Oblivion function - one of the blocks on the right side of the main screen. It will automatically launch OBSE first if it is installed.


Now install ONE mod. start using OBMM. activate the new mod and launch the game. Test to be sure that mod works. Once you are sure it works, install another mod and test again. When a problem shows up, you will know what mod caused it and can either not use that mod, Be sure to uninstall completely - meshes and textures also and not just the esp. OR, try troubleshooting - changing load order and other things to get it to work.


By installing and testing just one at a time, your load order will build itself.


Other suggestions:

Always read any documentation such as a readme file for every mod. And look in the forum topic that is automatically created for each mod when it is uploaded. Usually any special problems other people have encountered, along with any solutions will be listed there.


When you download mods, download them into a separate folder outside of Oblivion. Then create a new sub-folder for each mod. Extract (unzip) the mod into that folder and not directly into the Oblivion\data folder. Then COPY - do not move the parts of the mod into the proper places in the data folder. Or if you decide to use OMODs create the OMOD in the proper place using the files in that separate folder.

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thank you once more, ben!

i did the test thing with the vanilla only, and those lights are back, so its a mod-problem. but, is there a way around putting the mods back to this new folder 1 by 1 and always checking which 1 causes it? could take me like a year, so many mods ..... and so much work putting everything correctly back to its place. i'd rather just find the file that causes it and nuke it, you know?

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I don't have the mod "real lights", but having the same issue.

Is it possible you could locate within the mod which mesh file path the lights are calling for?

Just checking inside the chapels is all you need.

I could make a replacement mesh for both of us, so we never encounter that problem again

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  • 6 years later...

hey there, i know this is old as heck, but im having the same issue and i dont know how to fix it... i got the same yellow exlamation mark on an interior object in citadels, i know it is caused by the unofficial oblivion patch but i already reinstalled it which fixed nothing...

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