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Anubite Race


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Now, that would be a mod worth playing.


I can;t mod worth a darn, but I know a fair bit about both Elder Scrolls lore and Ancient Egyptian myths, so if you need a lore expert, I'll be happy to lend a hand.

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Hmm, I might see about making this a project of mine :D but... If I do this I don't want to be bugged about it saying when is it done when is it done :P I want to take it smooth as this isn't something I've attempted before and I'll need to research up :)


I'll probably do it for


Roberts male body.


And if I decide to carry it on to a female version then Hgec.

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Hey, if anyone needs a hand in doing this, I would happily be honored to serve as a churl to be used for any task. I might learn something new, and maybe be useful. Maybe...
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My internet has been down for a while so I couldn't respond. l33 take as long as you need if you decide to take it up as a project. I was thinking about a Egyptian like dungeon with these guy's as monsters with maybe some loot that would go well with the race, but that's a whole diffrent story.
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