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One More Companion Request


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Hello. :) I was just wondering can someone create Legolas (from Lord Of The Rings) companion that wouldn't be a CM one (I mean that it would be like Red Sonia, Neeshka or companions by SultericDrums) I have nothing against CM partners but I just have problems with it and can't use them. So please can someone create him? I would try to create him myself but I have no idea where to get the same engine as Red Sonia or Sultericdrums companions are using also I tried to edit one of them ( I tried like twenty times for about two weeks :ermm: ) but I had no luck. So that's why I'm asking for someone to create him since I lack of experience working with CS and can't create him myself.I know I'm asking a lot and that it's very difficult but please if someone knows how to do it and has time please help me... :sad: thank you. And sorry for my bad English.
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  • 1 month later...
People saw the request, don't worry. They just don't want to do it. Most people do companions for themselves; not others. however, it'd be a good project for you to cut your teeth on; all you have to do is make a tall blond Bosmer companion.
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People saw the request, don't worry. They just don't want to do it. Most people do companions for themselves; not others. however, it'd be a good project for you to cut your teeth on; all you have to do is make a tall blond Bosmer companion.


I already tried it but ended up with reinstalling Oblivion lol. I always imagined him as a Mystic Elf because he looks more feminine in the movie. :) and thank you, yes that would be really cool but I have no idea how to edit already existing companion. There are tutorials only for CM partners and I can't use them. :wacko:

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If no one wants can atleast someone tell me if there's a tutorial on how to create companions with Red Sonia or Neeshka engines? :ermm: I'm getting really tired of reinstalling Oblivion every time I try to create Legolas. :mad:
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But still I would be very thankful if someone would direct me to the tutorial on how to edit already existing companion successfully (so I wouldn't have to reinstall Oblivion after that) how to delete the old ID. (tried to edit Red Sonia but then I had two ID's one was Sonia's and other Legolas) and how to change his voice (it would be strange to run around with male companion which has female voice. :biggrin: ) I'm a noob I know but I really REALLY want to have him as a companion. :unsure:


Heh I will better look for tutorials at first or maybe something else that would help me to finally start working on him. Like I said I'm a noob at modding. Anyway I will be very grateful for any help. :happy:

Edited by Dimmu666
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  • 1 month later...
Yup the tutorial would be great. I mean I think it's possible to get the permission from authors to use their companions as a base. Though it's too bad there is no tutorial like that. It would be also nice to have more male companions that uses these kind of engines. So far there's only one. :sad:
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