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Forearm Snap Blades

dragon awakened

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I understand that most gauntlet based weapons are treated as unarmed class weapons so I would just include these in that catagory since the attacks are delivered by punching. The weapon consists of a wrist to forearm apparatus that houses a pair of forward curving blades. Looks like the Predator's version of a hunting knife. Off muscle reflex the blades slide forward and lock into place much like one of those old spring loaded stilettos.


Health: high

Damage: max base damage of a powerfist

Repaired By: combat knives.

Attack Forms: standard jab animation from a powerfist could work, or a hooking punch for slashing attacks


I'm no modder so I'd have to ask how difficult it would be to design such a weapon? Any ideas? Bad idea?


If you have read this I thank you for your time. If you can help get this weapon set up all the better. I came up with the idea, you did the work you get the credit.

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Which kind? The one like Assasin's Creed hidden blade or the one like Starcraft Protoss?


I've seen such a mod before, it uses power fist mesh and texture, but there's a glowy blade at the end of it that looks like the starcraft one. I just can't seem to find the mod here on Nexus. Here is the picture of it.



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I would say the powerfist mesh might work but the blades are just regular exceptionally sharp and strong blades. Best way for me to describe it would be to point you toward any of the Predator or Aliens vs Predator movies and see the predators close combat weapon (wrist blades). That was where Shadowrun got the idea. Anyhow it is late and I'm not sure but I think my brain turned off around 5:00pm after work :)


Thanks for your time.

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