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Vault 101 Opening


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Do this for us? With us! Can't expect something for nothing. Try messing with the WAVs of vault resident speeches to cut together useful dialogue (typical trading lines like "What do you need?"), look at scripts and see if you can ind an instance of the game adding an object based on a quest's completion, if you can get me an example of that I can copy it and there'll be structures and npcs.
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TBH It'd be mostly GECK and Script work. A small market with a cobble together mix of vault and wasteland furniture, some of those sandbag rings for a few guards (levelled vault security. 10mm Pistol->SMG->Assault Rifle->Laser Rifle). And some sound editing of a few voices (cut out words and blend them together to make simple phrases like "What do you need" and "nice seeing you", the typical stuff traders say). These items and spawns would be activated by the completion of 'take it back' if you completed "Trouble on the Home Front" in such a way as to leave Amata overseer (which is why I need a script).
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Great Idea willing to help with the modding of the vault to make it more updated since they are supposed to be reopen might want to look into "RR COMPAINION VAULT" for some new characters (bartender/cook, Doctor)




as for modeling what are you looking to make I'm on a small gun project of my own i would like to be added soon


as for voices there are many modders and gamers that might gladdly do that for you


as for another idea look at armor changes like "Vault 34 Power Armor Texture"




just have to adjust the number to 101 :rolleyes:


and I use Follower Amata mod what happens when she returns does this cause problems with the vault that she left them to learn on their own or has her father remained in charge or are you making another Amata run the vault just some thoughts

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Well the traditional endings have amata run the vault, but by moving her outside and having one version merged with a follower mod for her and one not that would clear up the compatability issue. TBH Stock resources should be enough, but I suppose a brahmin with its load swapped for some vault-looking crates would look good making the Vault 101->Megaton route.


As for new Armours/weapons I don't really want to add extra baggage, too many modds just add on 3 OP new weapons for no real reason. If the residents of Vault 101 really needed that defence then I think the BoS would provide or they could hire Mercs. There isn't much need for anything new item wise. Characters are a different story, as well as the vault interior (if we ever get to see it again), IT should be possible to expand it through the barricades and 'Inaccessible' doors, which would be pretty seamless. Also, having messed with O:A a bit I'm now more confident with navmesh.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since the ending of "Trouble on the Homefront" was rather disapointing (a choice between forcing an evacuation of 101 which leads to everyone's deaths, going along with the overseer and turning the vault into a sealed tomb, or side with Amata which opens the vault to the outside.....eventually but getting you 'thanks for helping out,now get out") There should be a way to convince Amata to allow you to eventually return as a good karma reward.


One way would be a series of dialogue choices where you offer her

  • 1:Your copy of The Wasteland Survival Guide
    2: Download a copy of your Capital Wasteland Map to her Pip-boy
    3: Information about surrounding settlements,factions,creatures,etc
    4: Information about radio stations (as you leave, vault radio begins playing GNR)


She would still ask you to leave,but hint at the possibility of returning "when things settle down". Later random encounters would inform you of progress in the vault, how Amata is doing and your status (now is not the right time.....maybe someday.....etc up to being told you can return).


All this would depend on 1: Amata being the overseer. 2: Her father being convinced to step down rather than being killed and 3:Good or very good karma (she's not going to want a monster coming back in ).


Eventually you would recieve a note from Amata saying things have settled down enough and you are welcomed to come back. If you have neutral karma,it would be with some reservations. If evil, it would express her shock,horror and sorrow over the monster you've become and telling you to stay away.She would rather think the one she cared for had died rather than seeing you like that.

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