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Global warming


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you can not duplicate power... power is just a transformation of enrgy but there is only so much of it in this world/universe


however there are tons of untapped energy sources in this world and many we use which are totally inefficent... we loose alot of that energy during transport and creation



me neither lol or we couldnt talk bout that right now :P

however i dont need any oil or fossil stuff to run my mashine... a windmill/watermill in my garden or somin totally else could work just aswell, as mentioned before there are trizillion of possibilities to tap inot natures energy

(a good one is a big tent like construction we could build in deserts, these have a chimney, the heated air underneath the tent rises, drives a generator in the chimney and boom... we could supply the whole world if wed just build a bunhc of those in the sahara for example...)


as for cars, we just need to find an efficent way to store energy or turn it into somin else that cars could be supplied with...




30% trees is nothing...

in the 12th century a squirrel could still hop from tree to treee on its way from paris to moscow (and beyond)...

but the people from back then would probably also suffocate due to the limited oxygen these few trees left still provide...

however alges are also important for the oxygen production but we also tend to kill those too lol (at least the good ones -.-, that killer algea of mr. custeau which escaped his museum thing is still on the loose and kills fishes and the like)


also a tree doesnt destroy more CO2 than cars produce apart from all the crap those cars spit out which covers the leaves of those trees which then cant produce any oxygen nor transform co2 anymore (known as "WALDSTERBEN")



they truly fart alot lol... and we should be aware of it... however its nothing we could stop just by that as they are living beings and even if wed say lets all become vegans or somin we still couldnt kill all animals on this planet and put buttplugs in our dearest bums... well we could but both would prolly make it even worse lol... not prolly definately...

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*teleports self 100 millions years into the future*


Intelligent cockroaches rule the planet. They muse over rigged displays of human fossils in futuristic roach museums they way we look at dinosaurs today. These bug-men know enough about Earth's history (the way we do today) to look at rock stratifications, layers of volcanic ash, meteor dust, antediluvian sea mud, and the growth cycles in the rings petrifed wood. They know (just like we do today) this planet has cycles of freeze, fire and flood that cannot be stopped. Some of them are smart enough to know their little seven seconds of fame and glory will one day be stamped out just like ours will be, yet some of these roach-people are as vain as humans and think their species is a permanent fixture on this planet.


Out of the 4.5 billion years Earth has been around, how many species have bit the Big One? Earth is scrubbed clean and renewed on a regular basis. Does the 200,000 years of mankind on this rock ball in space even earn a mention on THAT level?


And just like dinosaurs and humans, the roach-people will one day be added to the crusty layers of this planet and they will be the fossil fuel of whatever weirdness evolves after them.


*teleports back to present-day Earth*


Uhm...The universe is entropy and we're footnote in world history. In the future, intelligent bug-people will fill their gas tanks with the fumes of our rotting corpses. We can't stop it. Sorry guys.

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Uhm...The universe is entropy and we're footnote in world history. In the future, intelligent bug-people will fill their gas tanks with the fumes of our rotting corpses. We can't stop it. Sorry guys.


Yes, we can, we always can be optimists by burning the body into ash, they shall never feed combustion engine with calcium powder. :thumbsup:

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*teleports self 100 millions years into the future*


Intelligent cockroaches rule the planet. They muse over rigged displays of human fossils in futuristic roach museums they way we look at dinosaurs today. ...

:biggrin: :thumbsup:

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I could do with a windmill too. It´s actually not very expensive, but I am not allowed to build one, by the authorities. It has to be owned by a larger compani, and pay tax to our state. Just like the plant oil fuel, wich is at a very high production level now, but has a higher tax that regular fuel. It seems that our goverment(s) are very much in the pockets of the oil companie lobbyists. :thumbsup:


@Kendo 2

I too share the idea tha our planet is wiped clean once in a while, for new life to develop. Only thing is that besides bacterides and vira, humans are the only species that helps speeding the process by destroying their own fundamental enviroment. :thumbsup:



The comaparission with a small car and a big tree, is no good. This is a greater calculation. You´ll have to say have much Carbon dioxide will an average car emit into the atmosphere, then how much Carbon dioxide can f. examp. 1 ton of tree canopy metabolize into hard formes of CO2, like sucker. Then you have to know the average index (in tons) of tree canopy pr square acres, and now we are getting near. This is only just a layman example. This calculations is so complicated that scientists have spend years to argue over it. :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

@ jaysus, First you are correct in the fact that energy can neither be created or destroyed. But you can change its form.

Your idea of using heat riser to turn generators in the desert does not take in to account that it is a very inefficient way of generating power. First you have to develop enough power to turn the generator and only works when the temperature difference between the base and the top of the chimney is great enough to create an updraft. And will only work during part of the day. And if you use a large enough area,1000s of square kilometers, you will change the heating and cooling patterns in a large area of the world. Energy that was put into the atmosphere is now used to turn your generators and will affect global weather system.


As far as animals that produce methane. Pigs make more then cattle. And swamps and other regions where there is a large amount of decay of organic material produce even more.


And on a final note trees are not the only plants that use photosynthesis to convert CO2 to oxygen all green plants and a lot of algae do also.


And just for general principals global warming is based on bad science. In good science you perform your experiment and see what your results are. With global warming the results were determined and the experiment built to produce those results. That is bad and false science.

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And just for general principals global warming is based on bad science. In good science you perform your experiment and see what your results are. With global warming the results were determined and the experiment built to produce those results. That is bad and false science.

Generalisation much? Its easy to disregard the science now, but as soon as the effects happen (and some are already happening), it won't be nearly as easy to reverse the trends.


While I'm against the hype as much as the next guy, the logical step for technology is towards greener, more efficient technology anyway.

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