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Ok wtf; how has noone made one of these


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Was thinking the other day.. Due to the distance between wasd controls and the last three hotkeys for weapons, i almost never used weapon slots 6, 7, and 8. Also, I love hot-menus in FPS games. When I say hot-menu, I mean:


Player holds a key, say mousewheel, a menu pops up, displaying all the weapons you have bound to your weapon slots [like the one built into fallout if you hold a # key] from there, a simple flick of the mouse, in the desired direction helps you choose your weapon nice and easily, without all the clumsy fumbling of #'s 6, 7, and 8 on the keyboard. It works almost like having a d-pad.


It just makes sense to have something so convenient on a huge game like fallout.


In short, having searched this site, and google pretty thoroughly, I have yet to find this simple modification.. Can anyone out there bring this idea to fruition, or point me in the right direction to someone who has done this or similar work before? Also, having no prior modding experience myself [at least on the gamebryo engine] would it be possible to create this HUD\control switch myself?

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yeah, i could understand its not being needed with the realism mod, but for all those who play base fallout, or a non-heavily modded version, it would be GREAT! Someone out there has to have done this. It would allow for much smoother gameplay, imho.



Also, I was thinking the other day about VATS as well.. It'd be cool to see the ability to choose which weapon [maybe from the pre-existing weapons hot menu] you're going to use in each 'turn' of VATS. Like, for instance:


I see five spread out mutants in the distance; one group of two, and one group of three. I bring up VATS. From there, I can select the first group of mutants, throw a grenade at the first group, and switch to my assault rifle, mid-VATS, and cap the other group.


In theory this seems simple, but as I understand, that would be a large amount of code involved, to change around the VATS system. Still, nonetheless, I'd love to see this done.


Went a bit off-topic there, but back to what I was saying.. Anyone out there know of a mod\someone who would make this mod with the weapons hotmenu bound to a key and mouse action, similar to crysis, or as the last guy said, prototype..?

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I agree that would be pretty damn cool. I play strictly in first person and would love to be able to switch weapons with the mouse wheel. I haven't seen anything like that, but I could be looking in the wrong place maybe?
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I think it might be possible--Fallout already responds to held key + mouse movement (the vanity cam), the main question would be whether this behavior is triggerable by a script. The second question would be whether or not a script could actually track the mouse (or wheel) movement and make decisions based on it (the important part). If the answer to either of those is no, such a mod is impossible.


The only games (PC versions of Saints Row 2 and Bully) I ever played with menus like this had them in addition to the traditional mouse-wheel select, and personally I hated them and never used them. >.>


As for the VATS thing, pretty sure the closest you'll get to being able to do that is the BulletTime mod.

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