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CTD when installing ENB


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Ok I have re-installed the game and all the mods i have about 3 or 4 times, I always check the game before installing a new mod and altogether I can run the game just fine, however the second I try and install an ENB i get the dreaded CTD.

Before anyone asks I followed standard enb installation protocol


- AA , AF and Water Displacement are all off in the Launcher

- Graphics card setting are also disabled where possible

- Tried more than one Binary .118 and .194

- Tried both Wrapper and Injector


I am at a loss as to what to do, any help would be appreciated as ENB's just completely change the game.


For those interested this is my load Order, and yes i am using NMC texture pack and I have tried using merge patches but they dont really fix the problem


Sprint Mod.esp
UPP - Pack 1.esp
UPP - Pack 2.esp
UPP - Original Perks.esp
UPP - Experience Perks.esp
UPP - Beverage Perks.esp
WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp
WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp
WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp
WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp
WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp
Patch 1.7 and running Fose for some mods
Edited by gabz001
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Try the latest FO3/FNV ENBSeries v0.249. I think all versions after 0.194 have also the gun transparency issue fixed as well.


By the way, if hopefully you manage to overcome the CTD problem you really should find a Fellout compatible preset cause you might have weird colors and dark or very bright ingame lighting if the enb you use is not designed to be used with fellout. And I can't recall if there are any enb's designed for fellout. Maybe midhrastic.

Edited by BrainFever
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Yes i have used the Large Address aware in all attempts, and my specs are


Windows 8 64bit

Intel i5 2.50 Ghz

6Gb Ram

AMD Radeon HD 7730M


Since I run an AMD I have tried altering

to both true/false yet it still didnt help
Edited by gabz001
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Hmm. I remember once that I couldn't start FO3 after installing an ENB crashing exactly the moment the game was about to load, but in my case I had been previously installing a variety of enb presets not removing all their files correctly and I ended up having different dll's for different presets and my problem was solved when I disabled everything in [Proxy].


Now, there used to be a serious problem with many amd cards that were CTD with the old binaries. It was a problem with the amd drivers. I think I never made it to run an ENB on my HD7870 before 0.194 version. Are you CTD when you are about to load a game or before FO3 even initiates?


If it's the second maybe you should try and disable any game boosting software or fake fullscreen mod.


If you get the crash when you try to load a save or when starting a new game then you probably have to experiment with different ENBSeries versions (not that you have many choices 0.216 and 0.249 are your only chances I guess).


Your last chance is to go and ask directly in the enbdev.com forums. You should state exactly what you did, the files that you have in your FO3 directory and hopefully someone more experienced could identify the problem.


Alternatively, if you can't do a damn thing at least you could try using only SweetFX which indeed makes FO3 amazingly good looking.


Edited by BrainFever
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