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Tutorial Messages Toggle


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I just randomly thought of this, and to my knowledge I don't think there is any mod that does this.


I'm sure everyone has started atleast one other game than their first game, and i'm sure we have all had to read all of the tutorial messages you get for the first time you do whatever action.


Now this is fine the first time, or two maybe, but after that it's just kinda annoying. And unfortunately to my knowledge I can't toggle it off(Maybe I can and I'm just really dumb or something though... Hopefully i'm not quite that dumb ;p.) and it can sometimes get annoying.


It's not really a big deal overall, but it'd be nice if there was some way to turn them off, and I haven't seen any mods for it, so I figured i'd suggest that maybe a simple toggle for this to be turned on and off could be added?


I assume it's possible, even though I don't have any actual knowledge on modding, but there have been many more complex things done, so I can't see why it wouldn't be possible.


Or maybe it's already been done, and I am just unable to find it, if that is the case I apologize.


In any case, thank you for reading, and even more thanks if anyone can make this, or point me to a mod that does this.

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Set the following in your Skyrim.ini file or in some ModName.ini file. I always load Dawnguard so I use a Dawnguard.ini file to hold my Skyrim.ini changes so as to not have to redo them each time I revert to vanilla status.


This setting prevents the tutorial messages from showing. i.e. the ones for dropping below a certain % of health, stamina, magicka etc...



FYI -- adding the following to the same section will prevent all upper left hand corner messages from showing. Just in case you might want it too.

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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Set the following in your Skyrim.ini file or in some ModName.ini file. I always load Dawnguard so I use a Dawnguard.ini file to hold my Skyrim.ini changes so as to not have to redo them each time I revert to vanilla status.


This setting prevents the tutorial messages from showing. i.e. the ones for dropping below a certain % of health, stamina, magicka etc...



FYI -- adding the following to the same section will prevent all upper left hand corner messages from showing. Just in case you might want it too.


Oh wow, that's all? Sweet, gonna go do this then, thanks!

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