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Corrupt fallout.esm?


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Hi, i got a problem with my main .esm files - Fallout.esm, BrokenSteel.esm e.t.c. They all seem to be corrupt, whenever i look at them on the FOMM Load Order List the author is show as one of the following - ipely, jduvall or bchapin. I have already un-installed the game completely (deleting every file or registry related to fallout 3) and re-installed and they still register as being authored by one of the three above and not Bethesda. I bought a whole new game of Fallout 3 and un-installed and re-installed with it. Still no luck what-so-ever my masters are still corrupt. If it was a master file made by a mod maker then i could understand how it happened but how have my actual game master files become corrupt so they stay that way no matter how many clean installs i do? Any ideas on fixing this. I've also run virus scans too b.t.w. Geez i can never get a small bug, they always seem to be whoppers...


The game runs fine without mods active, only crashes at start-up when mods are active because of this (the mods don't seem to register the .esm as the esms they are looking for, nor does FOMM's conflict manager.


Any help is appreciated.

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bchapin is Brian Chapin who is a designer at Bethesda. ipely is Istvan Pely a Lead Artist. I think jduvall is Jon Paul Duvall.


If you are having problems it certainly isn't because these esm are corrupt. at least not just from your explanation.

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So why have my mods suddenly stopped recognising the master files as actually being there, and why do the masters have those names instead of Bethesda Game Studios like they always have?
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  Stewb said:
So why have my mods suddenly stopped recognising the master files as actually being there, and why do the masters have those names instead of Bethesda Game Studios like they always have?


I'm not sure. All I can say is that my esm files do not say Bethesda but the names you quoted.


Are all the esm's loading first? Mods in the correct order?

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  corocen said:
Have you used FO3Edit to see if the mods are looking for masters that are in the incorrect load order ?



  Smosh said:
I'm not sure. All I can say is that my esm files do not say Bethesda but the names you quoted.


Are all the esm's loading first? Mods in the correct order?



All are in the correct order, triple checked that. Whenever i checked my mods in the g.e.c.k the author always read Bethesda Game Studios, i assumed it would be the same for FOMM but if they read that way on someone else's FOMM then maybe it just FOMM's way of displaying it. Still some mods dependant on the main .esms seem to think they are not there (i checked again and some recognise the .esms as being there and some don't) I'm gonna try just re-installing those mods and hopefully that'll do something.


@corocen: I'll give that a try when i get everything up and running again (i did delete everything from the fallout directory to be safe including fo3edit)

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  • 3 months later...
Hey I got the same problem today out of nowhere and I only found this thread cos I thought having ipely etc looked fishy as an author in FOMM. I tried re-installing and nothing changed yet when I moved all of my folders out of the fallout3/data file and re-installed it worked however once I added them back, not even activating them it stopped working. just crashes on loading. I tried FO3Edit but to be honest I didnt know what I was doing. Have you found a fix to this problem?
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Hey just spent the last hour and a half adding my fallout 3 files back into the directry and checking if it works every time i added a file (very tedious work). anyway my problem seemed to be with the 'menus' folder in my 'fallout3/data' folder. by just having a blank folder in there i seem to be having no problems so maybe it'll work for you.
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Sounds like load order problems to me. What is your load order?


Fallout3.esm is always at the top y'know?


My .esms also says those names as the authors (never noticed that before), but how'd you think that was fishy, it's not a fanmade mod after all?

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