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Crash on Leveling and Loading while in-game..


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I installed Fook 2 and Cube Experimental.. Now when ever I click "done" at the last phase of a level up.. or when I load any game while in-game (from the menu works) it freezes my game and I have to task manager end process.. The game is working perfectly on a new game I created.. How do I fix this with out starting new characters? I am a bit far into it.. :(


I have already uninstalled all mods.. I have re-installed Fallout 3..so I think it is a problem with the saved games..

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"loading a game while inside the game crash" is game engine related and goes back through Oblivion and may even exist in Morrowind


The fact that you did not crash before simply means you were lucky.


Its caused by programming shortcuts - the game doesn't actually do a complete (re)load when it loads a save.

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