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I just want to uninstall and re install Skyrim so it's completely vanilla with no mods, still have my DLC, and all the original files (because I replaced some original files like the "skeleton" with a modded version, etc.)

I'm looking everywhere and I found this guide " http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again ." But one of the steps is to "Delete all folders except:" and one of the folders it says to NOT delete is the "reslists" folder, and I looked and I don't have that folder. If someone could please help and give a specific step by step method to help me uninstall and re install Skyrim and help me with my problems I would be very thankful! If everything works out and I get it re installed with all the original files and my DLC, I still want specific mods so I'm pretty sure I would have to uninstall NMM and BOSS before I reinstall skyrim and I would be fine to reinstall them back, but like I said before if someone could please help that would be wonderful.


Thanks for reading.



-Edit, I also want to save my screenshots that are in my Skyrim folder

Edited by bruenar
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I used that Guide, and also did not have that folder, it seams that is no longer a folder used. Have a read here>>reslists


I did find the folder, it looks to have been moved to the Steam folder..."E:\Games\Steam\reslists" So ignore it and complete the STEPS...it will work.


Move all your Screenshots to a temp folder or what ever folder you want outside Skyrim...


Don't forget ...Steam does not clear out your Skyrim and Skyrimprefs.ini files . best to delete them, and even tho you may be using SKSE when you mod...you have to run the default launcher at least once to generate new INI files. The INI files are in the "My docs/My games" folder.

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to CLEAN skyrim you may delete all modded content files(meshes, scripts, sound, esp/esm's besides the skyrim and dlc ones, textures, Interface(some modded content may be there), skse if necessary, enb files which may be in main folder but to do a proper clean install (works better) remove everything associated with skyrim and then re-install it with disk, steam or whatever.

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Thanks for commenting guys and/or girls. I think I'm going to use the original guide I linked in my first post now that @camaro_69_327 assured me that my missing folder isn't needed. I checked out @septembersun's guide and for me it's not specific enough because I don't want to accidentally delete anything I need to stay. I also have another question, for the guide I linked in my first post; in step number 11. it says "Navigate to My Documents/My Games/Skyrim and delete all files and subdirectories (after making backups of course)." After making backups of what? Making backups of all of Skyrim or just backups of the My Documents/My Games/Skyrim folder? Thanks a ton!

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The line reads....""

  1. Navigate to My Documents/My Games/Skyrim and delete all files and subdirectories (after making backups of course).""

The disclaimer, is in place because ONE of the folders in that location is"" \saves"".....IF you wanted to keep your saves, you would have to move then to a temp folder .

Another folder would be the folder that housed the Papryus logs if you wanted to keep them you would need to move then also...

SKSE also has a folder in that location for all its logs.....

IF you have a heavily modded Skyrim or Skyrimprefs.ini move them, ( but still generate new ones to edit when install is complete).

SKYproc has a folder also...but if starting fresh, nothing you need .

Wrye Bash puts files in this location also, but starting fresh its nothing you need...lol seeing the pattern here....

IF you are starting a new game after the RE-install their is nothing in the "My Documents/My Games/Skyrim" folder that you need. Nuke it!.

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@camaro_69_327 thanks for replying and helping me! I just have a few questions: I dont care about my saves, so I'm not going to do any backing-up? And If i delete SKSE I can just download it and install it again if i want too right? And I don't know if I should move my Skyrimprefs and which one to move, because there's one in the SteamApps/common/Skyrim folder and one in the My Documents/My Games/Skyrim folder. It also doesn't say anything about moving anything in the guide and I see people and different guides say to do different things and I don't have a good understanding of this kind of stuff and I get confused easily. Thank you for being patient with me :D

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@technicalbrutaldeathcore thank you for commenting! I have a few questions though: Since there are two locations for Skyrim (My documents/My Games and Steamapps/common/Skyrim), where is Skyrim installed? Are the folders that have the data, directx10, and backup folders etc the location that Skyrim is installed in (which is the steamapps/common/skyrim)? You said the Skyrimprefs in the My Documents folder is the one I need, and you said all I have to do is delete skyrim wherever it's installed and delete the skyrim related stuff in My documents, I'm assuming you mean delete the skyrim stuff in my documents after I move that specific Skyrimprefs to a temporary folder, because you said that's the one I need? Thanks for replying and being patient with me ;)

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As per my post above ...nothing in the "MYdocs" folder is needed. (you said you don't need your saves.)


Learning how the game behaves....Go to the MY docs folder...Delete both Skyrim.ini AND Skyrimprefs.ini


Run the "default game launcher"....now go back and look in the "MYdocs" folder...I thought i told you to delete both files.. :smile:


Delete "renderinfo.txt" ...Run the default game launcher....NOW it will say its "checking your system "....go look and you will have a brand new Renderinfo.txt .


So ya, nothing in the "MY Docs" folder is needed.


IF you are following the Guide..SKSE will get nuked along with anything that is not part of the Original game (this is Good, and what you want) So once done, and you have made your Back-up of the Vanilla Skyrim Folder (\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim ) start to install the other things you need...SKSE, ENB...and so forth.


The Skyrimprefs.ini in the .......\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Skyrim is a default File, never mess with it.

Edited by camaro_69_327
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