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What does a red exclamation point mean?


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Missing texture? The reason I ask is because I just downloaded and installed a companion Amy Wong trader mod and it seems to have installed correctly, except instead of a person, there is just a pair of red exclamation points running around and talking. Very annoying, is this a missing texture issue? if so, how do I solve it? I have had this problem before, with weapon mods, so I just uninstalled them and used different ones, but I guess its time to figure this out, so if anyone can provide any help, on what to do, it would be appreciated. Thanks!
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A red diamond with a white exclamation point inside it means that the game cannot locate a referenced mesh. If you have Archive Invalidation Invalidated installed then it's probable that a mesh has not been properly placed in the correct subdirectory. Recommend that you review installation instructions for the affected mod.
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Any idea what the problem is if I have Archive Invalidation on and everything is installed in the right place? I have FOMM and the Archive Invalidation tab is checked. I have also checked to make sure that the correct items are in the correct folders and to the best of my knowledge, they are. But I am still having that problem.
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What version of Fallout 3 do you have? GOTY Edition or the normal one? Have you updated to the latest patch which is 1.7 (not so important because I'm still using 1.1 and Amy works fine). There might be mod conflicts, Amy has different outfits (non-vanilla ones). Post your load order for us.
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  • 3 months later...

What version of Fallout 3 do you have? GOTY Edition or the normal one? Have you updated to the latest patch which is 1.7 (not so important because I'm still using 1.1 and Amy works fine). There might be mod conflicts, Amy has different outfits (non-vanilla ones). Post your load order for us.


I have GOTY edition. No patches.
















AmyWong - Load Order Fix.esp


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