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Boondock Saints 2: Desert Eagle


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If you've seen the movie you know what i mean. Silenced desert eagles with matching silencers not just the cylinder sh#t.









Can somebody please make this for me. :thumbsup:

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not as good as part 1 but still amazing ;)

many explanations for part 1 which was rather confusing...

sadly it only had a limited cinema release :(


anyone else thought these were kinda small for a desert eagle? maybe they're baby DEs... dual wielding full fledged DEs would even for that movie be kinda unrealistic imo...


the imdb discussion about a certain shotgun scene is quite interesting btw lol... scary americans and their guns lol... one quote "you should get the semi automatic saiga, its perfect if a zombie apocalypse should ever happen"... weird folks -.-

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I, for one, vote Yes to some DE's in the above pic. I know DE's have been done before.. but using that really nice matching silencer's would absolutely rock. Making use the .44 magnum ammo would intergrate them well.. but what about damage and range? hmm.. I dunno, since these would be silenced vs the other DE's modded for the game.



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Maybe 75% of Original Bullet velocity, Range, Damage. More accurate maybe since the barrel is longer.


(Just mindstorming now)


Damage: 17


Range: 70m


Bullet velocity: 2 m/s


Sound: 50 Db (don't know how loud that is. Is it very loud?)

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Hmm, I would have to go shoot a few rounds to tell you how the difference would be. I am not even sure if I can find a DE with the matching silencer in my area here. If I can, it may be a while before I can get back to you guys. I think perhaps a good way to compare is to use the sound difference of the 10mm and the silenced version. At least this way we have a place to start.
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Thanks alot for doing this. It's great. I think this is actually the first time anyone helped me. I can make the configs and add it to the game but i can't texture or model. It's way over my head.


In the movie it looked like normal Deagle's. But i can be mistaken.

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