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Number of mods


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Is there any limit to how many mods the game can handle? I've loaded 3 different saves. They've all worked for me before. But suddenly one PC can't get out of Super duper mart, without CTD. Another crash when I load. No 3 Crash as soon as start to move.
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Is there any limit to how many mods the game can handle? I've loaded 3 different saves. They've all worked for me before. But suddenly one PC can't get out of Super duper mart, without CTD. Another crash when I load. No 3 Crash as soon as start to move.

Yeah, there is a limit which is round about 250 Plugins. But you can easily merge Plugins in one.

(Name of the tool was sth like FO3 Plugin Utility if I remember that right)


So yes and no, there is no real limit if you work around.


Crashes usually happens with:


wrong load orders


wrong installed mods


wrong patches (which is anything but 1.7)


mod conflicts


corrupted savegames


just for fun


because of hardware problems like wrong tweaks, driver, system specs or clocking ...


and other thing I forgott to mention



So it would be best if you describe those things as detailed as possible

what happened when with which specs etc



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Thanks for the reply. I have a backup of the Data folder, that I named "stable". I'm going to try reinstalling the game and then use that folder as a kind of template. Then gradually adding more mods.

I don't think I should have any hardware problems. I'm running an Intel Q9300 on a Gigabyte MB. 4GB of DDR2 ram and a GeForce 8800 GT. OS is Win 7, Home P. 64bit. I'm running the detail on high.

Anyway, next time I'm crying for help, I'll make sure to supply some more info on the mods, load order etc.

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