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The Evolution Of Your Avatarr


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The first one I had was a picture of my main Oblivion character (looks like the one in my sig), then I had an Xmas version with a Santa hat, a balaclava, and the Colt Longslide off of the 1st Terminator Photoshopped in. This one I have now is my Dwarf Noble Dragon Age character and in my opinion the best one out of the three. I might upload pictures later.
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how did you do the animated one? i have like 3 i would use but dont know how.

You need to make sure it's the right size so that it doesn't get automatically scaled.

I've had this one for quite a while, and I can't remember what I had before... I've have a look of my archives when I get home.

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I've had this avatar for years - I don't remember what I had before (if I had anything at all). For those of you wondering, its a rune that was part of a set made for Project Serpent. And for those new people who don't remember Project Serpent, it was a big TC for Oblivion, based on the Heretic/Hexen series. We came very close to releasing a demo, before it all collapsed.
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Not much of an evolution here.

From this:


Then this for all of 30 seconds:


To this:


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Not much of an evolution here.

From this:


Then this for all of 30 seconds:


To this:



Oh no, the ugly smiley again...;D :sick:

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