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How did the Enclave get into Vault 87?


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"If you go back to the vault after escaping Raven Rock you'll see the door they came through is now open, leading to the main vault door. Beyond the vault door is just a brown void, however. A few hallways before the GECK chamber. There's this intersection with three doors, this is where they knocked you out. On your first time going through the Vault, one of these doors was locked, requiring a key. It should be open if you go back."


Taken from gamespot forums.

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They used god mode and no clipping to get in, then hid behind the locked door until time to ambush you. :P


Or rather, the writers did that scene without thinking, something that Bethesda's writers do often.


The only reason that the front door is so heavily irradiated is... well there really in't much reason for it, even given that the area supposedly suffered a direct hit (other such areas are less radioactive). I guess the reason is they didn't want you to legitimately discover the nothing that is behind the vault door. Though, they could've just made it... not work. Damaged control console, invalid access code, even a cave-in would do for something that would present a believable and un-overcomable obstacle for the player, but not for the Enclave with all its resources.


Maybe I should apply at Bethesda. :P

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