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Proof of Multiplayer


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Go to dictionary.com and look up convert or conversion. You will see that would involve a modification and direct change to an existing thing. I am not touching any of the vanilla content, I am simply adding new onto the game.


Throwing around terms like TC is just what disappointed fans of failed projects say because they never had the courage to take their own initiative.


TOTAL CONVERSION as the name states is a total conversion from one thing into another, replacing vanilla content but maintaining the engine,

what you wanna do is exactly that...


@dissapopinted fans of failed projects?

whut? youre talking to yossarian... dunno but his GTS mod is one of the biggest and most beloved fallout projects you will find...


i guess youre simply selfreflecting a bit too much here,


however please refrain from your rudeness towards others here which so far stood quite calm in regards to your attitude of narcistic and also imo childish aggression towards the questioning of your ideas




if youre too "primitive" to use anything but the GECK you wont get very far with this project anyway, how do you intend to get all those assets since you dont wanna use anything vanilla? animations, models, textures, sounds, etc?


kudos? what for? so far its a nice and appreciated try but nothing more... honor and glory however come from doing things, not from talking about what you wanna do.




also mind that bethesda doesnt have the liscence to release fallouts gamebryo engine as an open source and hence your project might run into legal problems




i strongly advise you to use another engine, honestly... unrealed is afaik the best one for that as long as you dont intend to go commercial (that would cost 150k$ or more by now dunno exactly)

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You'll need to changes certain aspects of the engine to make it able to use a multiplayer option. Last time I looked there wasn't a script-function called SetMultiplayer to 1.
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You'll need to changes certain aspects of the engine to make it able to use a multiplayer option. Last time I looked there wasn't a script-function called SetMultiplayer to 1.


I am making a FOSE plugin to extend the scripting of the GECK. Ianpatt encouraged me to use FOSE. And last test i did i was able to have my tester show up on my screen and he saw me show up on his. Prior to switching to FOSE i had movement working too. But since I have been busy planning for bigger things.

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It should be possible, they've toyed around a lot with oblivion online before. It will just take a lot of time and effort to pull of something successfully, good luck.
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It should be possible, they've toyed around a lot with oblivion online before. It will just take a lot of time and effort to pull of something successfully, good luck.


It will indeed. But it won't matter as long as my team can produce evidence of progress once in awhile to keep people's interest.

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"@dissapopinted fans of failed projects?

whut? youre talking to yossarian... dunno but his GTS mod is one of the biggest and most beloved fallout projects you will find...


i guess youre simply selfreflecting a bit too much here,


however please refrain from your rudeness towards others here which so far stood quite calm in regards to your attitude of narcistic and also imo childish aggression towards the questioning of your ideas"


Were you referring that to me? I don't get it, how was my comment rude? Aggression ?


Edit: Nevermind, I'm slow... Ignore this.

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no lol, dunno why you think i meant you... i quoted prosper right ontop of that


he said:


Go to dictionary.com and look up convert or conversion. You will see that would involve a modification and direct change to an existing thing. I am not touching any of the vanilla content, I am simply adding new onto the game.


Throwing around terms like TC is just what disappointed fans of failed projects say because they never had the courage to take their own initiative.


"rudeness" was referring to this comment together with the rest he made to all the valid points yoss and others brought up and the way he expressed his disagreement




@propser and TC

a few posts back you said you didnt want to use vanilla content as that would be boring, now you say you want to... sry but thats truly rather confusing


and no, i never made a connection in my life without anyone telling me to do so, im a natural born sheeple... i believe what one tells me... actually you didnt either, all connections our brain forms are based on events we witnessed and things others told us, hence nothing is actually our own thought, its only individually different what kind of connections we make

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I would volunteer to do beta testing for you but currently I'm pretty tied up with college and stuff. I don't even have much time for my mod. Try not to be bothered by the negative thoughts, keep it up and do not give up on it.
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