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Call of Pripyat


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I got this game at the beginning of this week, and so far, it's the only thing I've been playing all week long.


The atmosphere isn't as good as that of Shadow of Chernobyl, as the sounds and a backtrack is almost the same as that of Clear Sky. It's a shame really, as SoC had better atmosphere than most recent survival horror games.


The gameplay itself is pretty damn solid, surpassing the other two games by far. The weapons feel just right, and the way the whole game world works together so seamlessly is awesome. You still get the desperate fights between STALKERS and stray mutants, hoping that the mutant slaughters them so you can loot their corpses.


The new monsters are also pretty impressive. I just love the hamsters. Cute little buggers. The chimera. Yeah. Scary. And I love what they did with Bloodsuckers. They're actually the challenge that they're supposed to be. The only problem is you come across them way too often. The whole point of the Bloodsuckers was that people rarely encountered them and survived to tell the tale, making them something of an urban legend to the wastes. Coming across them that often dispels that notion slightly. Also, Snorks are way too easy.


I find myself wishing we could have at least revisited a few of the locations of the previous games, just for nostalgia's sake, but the new locations aren't bad either. There's always something to do, something else to shoot or discover, so I'm good.


As for the graphics... If you're playing games for the graphics, urdoinitwrong. Comparing this game to Crysis is a bit silly, as this is a game, Crysis is a benchmark program that has a game loosely tacked on.

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Comparing this game to Crysis is a bit silly, as this is a game, Crysis is a benchmark program that has a game loosely tacked on.


I dislike it when people say that. Crysis is a great game in its own right. The tactical gameplay is excellent. In action FPSs, Crysis is top-of-the-class. Because the spotlight is always on its graphics (when you say "good graphics", what do people immediately think of?), people seem to forget that Crysis is a game. And that's a shame, because Crysis is deeper than pretty visuals.




What do you guys think of the Pripyat multiplayer? It was rather mediocre, in my opinion. Standard game modes, standard gameplay, somewhat dull.

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It's called an opinion, mate.


I was aiming more at the fact that people could be ridiculous enough to compare yet another game to Crysis. And not one that can even in any way be compared to it either.


Also, I use tongue in cheek comments often, as in my previous post.


Post wasn't aimed at you. I was just using your comment as a case in point of a common perspective, to expand upon my own viewpoint.

I apologize if I veered the thread away from its intended topic.

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I played it for a bit a time now and I have a lot of stuff in my inventory, so can I sell my things somwhere or is there a chest or something like that so I don't have to carry them around all the time?


I haven't got CoP but I have played the other two games in the series and usually there will be a trader or other NPCs to trade with.


There are also some chests that don't respawn that you can use (usually).

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