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Wasteland Warfare...


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So many people say Fallout 3 is too easy. Whom ever does not think so is just... a noob. A mod that makes the game feature smarter raiders, or MUCH smarter Enclave (They are trained super soldiers, and yet their tactics are to just stand shoot, crouch shoot, repeat!?), much more cannibals (Seriously!? 1 event and 2 quests. Pathetic), radiation emitting mutants (and stronger at that). Just a few of the many flaws of a Post apocalyptic game. Post what you think must be done.
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True, true, but I was hoping for one with a much greater population, and more random events. I already have MMM-increaced spawns and it is set to 17. But this does not add special events. Yeah, I'm just picky. Anyway, I might make a Galaxy vs Galaxy mod, such as a Halo Vs Star Wars, or Gears of War Vs Warhammer. But populating is a pain. Anyway, if someone finds a better population mod, or a better tactics, please post it.
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Eh, maybe I should search after completing all the achievements (I have windows live) since all the GOOD mods require live-disabling FOSE. Anyway, I remembered what I wanted to request for a mod. Imagine, out in the wastes... A place... With lots... of BODIES!!! Have any of you ever come to a place and thought that that exact spot would be a good outpost? I've been wanting a mod where there are fortified buildings that have maybe a repeatable event where enemies attack. Alas, there be no such mod. So that's what this post was REALLY for. I just got sidetracked. If there is a mod fitting this description PLEASE tell me. And I don't want any small and easy ones either.

ALSO: I downloaded Combat Enhanced Tactics and found that in order to fix the problem with SCC, all you needed to do is load it after SCC. just for anybody else.

PS: Add what you think should be in a wasteland warfare mod.

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Yeah, but their numbers are small. Sorry, but I really want a field to commit mass murder. I use zombie apocalypse, and they do give a challenge, but... I'm just picky. Here's what I wish for mods


Resident evil style Quest (Want someone to use biohazard maps for mods)

Battlefield repeatable event (maybe enclave vs BOS in a gigantic field)

Large scale assault on bases (Broken steel's end mission feeling, except a more powerful feeling)

Enemies who attack with the rage of Halo's Brutes

Cannibals (no food, people will resort to this. andale, the family, those random hunters, and you are not the only ones)


I'm just hoping someone's been wishin' for these type of mods as well.


PS: I'm picky. :thumbsup:

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Oh no, no, no! 20 is waaaay to small a number. :yucky: Alright, here's something I'm working on. Imagine- a fort on a mountain/hill with 4 positions to defend. Now at each position, there are expected to be 40 enemy soldiers coming in at once! That's the kind of challenge I'm looking for. An intense battle. No game has ever given me a rush like that and I would like to see how a battle this huge feels. In a conflict like this, your character is NOT going to be a god, and you WILL need to recruit some soldiers (enclave commander, cri squad, enclave general, etc). Something like this would probably make even Sarah Lyons, or even a behemoth think twice. :ohmy: So you know my wish.


I WANT WAR! I WANT TO PANIC! I want to feel that sense of dread when key defending positions fall, when a soldier falls from his crows nest down on a position near me. These feelings have been stated in novels, even in my textbooks! Please, make this wish come true! :wallbash:

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