Chemist18 Posted June 28, 2014 Share Posted June 28, 2014 Hello All, Note this is a duplicate post because I put it in the wrong place to start with... Okay, I've created a mod that contains what I call "Enchanted Containers"; there are six different ones. Each uses a script to filter allowed vs. not allowed items. Please note, the actual question is at the bottom Ingredient Pouch - Items are filtered based on keyword, all items with "VendorItemIngredient" are allowed Scriptname aaCh18_FilterContainerItems extends ObjectReference Keyword Property VendorTypeKeyword Auto Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) If akSourceContainer==PlayerREF If !akBaseItem.HasKeyword(VendorTypeKeyword) RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, True, akSourceContainer) Debug.MessageBox("Invalid Item") EndIf EndIf EndEvent Gem Bag - This is a small sack that holds gems and jewelry, items are filtered using a Formlist of keywords Scriptname aaCh18_FilterOnKeywordFormlist extends ObjectReferenceFormList Property ElligibleKeywordsFLST AutoActor Property PlayerREF Auto Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, Int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) If akSourceContainer == PlayerREF Int iCount = ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetSize() Bool bAcceptable = False While iCount && !bAcceptable iCount -= 1 Keyword kReference = ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetAt(iCount) as Keyword If akBaseItem.HasKeyWord(kReference) bAcceptable = true Endif EndWhile If bAcceptable == False RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, True, akSourceContainer) Endif EndIf EndEvent Here is the FormList:VendorItemSoulGemVendorItemJewelryVendorItemGemArmorJewelryClothingCircletClothingRingClothingNecklace Note that an item is rejected by default (bAcceptable = False) and as soon as one keyword matches bAcceptable = True. Okay, here's my boggle... I have three mods in my load order (a lot more but three for this conversation) Enchanted_Containers.esp (my mod) ImprovedFishBASIC.esp http://www.nexusmods...yrim/mods/14320 LeftHandRings.espLeftHandRings - Dawnguard.esp http://www.nexusmods...yrim/mods/21720 In both the Improved Fish and the Left Hand Rings mods all the items have the appropriate keywords already associated with them. However, all the ingredients from ImprovedFishBASIC go right into their container like they should. On the other hand the items from LeftHandRings which should go into the Gem container will not. The main reason I set them up this way was to increase compatibility with other mods. I'm not very familiar with Papyrus yet so perhaps I'm overlooking something obvious. I've tried all the load orders, all three function exactly the same in any load order. Sorry, was having fun with the colors. Simple things amuse me . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trilioth Posted June 30, 2014 Share Posted June 30, 2014 I don't use left hand rings, but it may be that they don't have the correct keyword. Also, I would check the keywords differently. The keywords would need to be properties if done this way though. You could still use the form list of keywords without the while loop though. I recommend getting rid of the while loop personally. I use them only when there is no other alternative, because they lag. If akSourceContainer == PlayerREF if Item.HasKeyword(VendorItemSoulGem): bAcceptable = true elseif Item.HakKeyword(VendorItemJewelry): bAcceptable = true elseif Item.HasKeyword(VendorItemGem) bAcceptable = true elseif Item.HasKeyword(ArmorJewelry) bAcceptable = true elseif Item.HasKeyword(ClothingCirclet) bAcceptable = true elseif Item.HasKeyword(ClothingRing) bAcceptable = true elseif Item.HasKeyword(ClothingNecklace) bAcceptable = true endif if !bAcceptable ; (this is the same as bAcceptable == False) RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, True, akSourceContainer) endif endif Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chemist18 Posted July 1, 2014 Author Share Posted July 1, 2014 Thanks :). They Left hand rings mod has the appropriate keywords. I will definitely try your suggestion of the different code structure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chemist18 Posted July 3, 2014 Author Share Posted July 3, 2014 Well, now I can't get it to work at all... I changed the script the in way you described and it worked fine. The next time I loaded the game to play nothing would go into the container. In order to try to correct this situation I reverted the setup to what I had before. It still doesn't accept any items. I'm sure there is something fundamental I'm missing so here are additional details about what I'm doing. Each "Enchanted_Container" actually has two components and two scripts. The two components are a MISC item the player has in his/her inventory and a CONT item in a hidden cell. The MISC item has the following script: Scriptname ItemToContainerScript extends ObjectReference {Used to connect misc item a container.}ObjectReference Property aaCh18Container Auto {container object ref to be activated and used as trash bin}MiscObject Property ContainerObj Auto {misc item property for the bucket to be removed} Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) ;when the bucket is equipped... Game.DisablePlayerControls(false, false, false, false, false, true, false) utility.wait(0.1) Game.EnablePlayerControls(false, false, false, false, false, true, false) utility.wait(0.5) aaCh18Container.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) ; the trash container EndEvent This script was taken from another mod (trash container) and I can't say I understand why it works. The script on the container is: Scriptname aaCh18_FilterOnKeywordFormlist extends ObjectReference FormList Property ElligibleKeywordsFLST AutoActor Property PlayerREF Auto Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, Int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) If akSourceContainer == PlayerREF Int iCount = ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetSize() Bool bAcceptable = False While iCount && !bAcceptable iCount -= 1 Keyword kReference = ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetAt(iCount) as Keyword If akBaseItem.HasKeyWord(kReference) bAcceptable = true Endif EndWhile If !bAcceptable RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, True, akSourceContainer) Endif EndIf EndEvent The Formlist is: VendorItemGemVendorItemJewelryVendorItemSoulGemArmorJewelryClothingCircletClothingNecklaceClothingRing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chemist18 Posted July 3, 2014 Author Share Posted July 3, 2014 (edited) Well the problem isn't with this script. I deleted it from the container and the items still didn't go in. I'll go scratch my head some more... Okay, I made some changes to the container's script in an effort to figure out where I am going wrong. The script now looks like this: Scriptname aaCh18_FilterOnKeywordFormlist extends ObjectReference FormList Property ElligibleKeywordsFLST Auto Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, Int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) Debug.messagebox ("Received " + aiitemcount + "x " + akBaseItem) If akSourceContainer == PlayerREF Int iCount = ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetSize() Bool bAcceptable = False While iCount && !bAcceptable iCount -= 1 Keyword kReference = ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetAt(iCount) as Keyword Debug.Messagebox("("+ iCount + ") " + kReference + ", " + bAcceptable) If akBaseItem.HasKeyWord(kReference) bAcceptable = true Debug.Messagebox ("Acceptable with " + kReference + ", " + bAcceptable) Endif EndWhile If bAcceptable == False Debug.Messagebox ("Putting back in Player's inventory.") RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, True, akSourceContainer) Endif EndIf EndEvent If I add an item that should be allowed, I get a message box showing the quantity and item added (Line 7)I get messages for each keyword as the script looks at it (Line 17)When a keyword matches I get the message saying the item is acceptable with Boolean set to "True"At this point since bAcceptable is no longer False the While loop should end,However, the next message I get is from Line 17 listing the next keyword and bAcceptable as "False"BUT I never get the message from line 26 telling me the item is going back into the player's inventory There are 7 keywords in the formlist.The messages come up like this:(6) <keyword>, False (line 17)(4) <keyword>, False (line 17)(2) <keyword>, False (line 17)(0) <keyword>, False (line 17)Acceptable with <>, True (line 21) *****Script should be done right here*****(1) <keyword>, False (line 17)(3) <keyword>, False (line 17)(5) <keyword>, False (line 17)In place of <keyword> is the actual keyword, just too lazy to type them. If I add an item that should NOT be allowed, all the messages are exactly what they should beI get a message box showing the quantity and item addedI get messages for each keyword as the script looks at itI get a message telling me "Putting back in Player's inventory"Obviously I'm confuseded somewhere :smile:. Visually the item appears to go back into the player's inventory before executing the script which makes me think the MISC item and CONT aren't properly linked. But the script executing indicates they are... Edited July 3, 2014 by Chemist18 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted July 3, 2014 Share Posted July 3, 2014 Try this. It is just a little extra conditioning check in case the script isn't updating the bool value in time before the next iteration of the while loop Scriptname aaCh18_FilterOnKeywordFormlist extends ObjectReference FormList Property ElligibleKeywordsFLST Auto Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, Int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) Debug.messagebox ("Received " + aiitemcount + "x " + akBaseItem) If akSourceContainer == PlayerREF Int iCount = ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetSize() Bool bAcceptable = False While iCount <= ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetSize() && bAcceptable == false iCount -= 1 Keyword kReference = ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetAt(iCount) as Keyword Debug.Messagebox("("+ iCount + ") " + kReference + ", " + bAcceptable) If akBaseItem.HasKeyWord(kReference) bAcceptable = true iCount = (ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetSize() + 1) Debug.Messagebox ("Acceptable with " + kReference + ", " + bAcceptable) Endif EndWhile If bAcceptable == False Debug.Messagebox ("Putting back in Player's inventory.") RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, True, akSourceContainer) Endif EndIf EndEvent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chemist18 Posted July 4, 2014 Author Share Posted July 4, 2014 Thanks :). I think my problem is bigger than the script though unfortunately. I deleted the script from the container and tested it. Without the script it should accept any item but all items were put right back into the player's inventory. I think the best way to proceed is to create a duplicate of this container from scratch (using your script) and see if it behaves differently. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chemist18 Posted July 4, 2014 Author Share Posted July 4, 2014 Try this. It is just a little extra conditioning check in case the script isn't updating the bool value in time before the next iteration of the while loop Scriptname aaCh18_FilterOnKeywordFormlist extends ObjectReference FormList Property ElligibleKeywordsFLST Auto Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, Int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) Debug.messagebox ("Received " + aiitemcount + "x " + akBaseItem) If akSourceContainer == PlayerREF Int iCount = ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetSize() Bool bAcceptable = False While iCount <= ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetSize() && bAcceptable == false iCount -= 1 Keyword kReference = ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetAt(iCount) as Keyword Debug.Messagebox("("+ iCount + ") " + kReference + ", " + bAcceptable) If akBaseItem.HasKeyWord(kReference) bAcceptable = true iCount = (ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetSize() + 1) Debug.Messagebox ("Acceptable with " + kReference + ", " + bAcceptable) Endif EndWhile If bAcceptable == False Debug.Messagebox ("Putting back in Player's inventory.") RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, True, akSourceContainer) Endif EndIf EndEvent How do you guys get your code so neatly into the boxes? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted July 4, 2014 Share Posted July 4, 2014 Try this. It is just a little extra conditioning check in case the script isn't updating the bool value in time before the next iteration of the while loop Scriptname aaCh18_FilterOnKeywordFormlist extends ObjectReference FormList Property ElligibleKeywordsFLST Auto Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, Int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) Debug.messagebox ("Received " + aiitemcount + "x " + akBaseItem) If akSourceContainer == PlayerREF Int iCount = ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetSize() Bool bAcceptable = False While iCount <= ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetSize() && bAcceptable == false iCount -= 1 Keyword kReference = ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetAt(iCount) as Keyword Debug.Messagebox("("+ iCount + ") " + kReference + ", " + bAcceptable) If akBaseItem.HasKeyWord(kReference) bAcceptable = true iCount = (ElligibleKeywordsFLST.GetSize() + 1) Debug.Messagebox ("Acceptable with " + kReference + ", " + bAcceptable) Endif EndWhile If bAcceptable == False Debug.Messagebox ("Putting back in Player's inventory.") RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, True, akSourceContainer) Endif EndIf EndEvent How do you guys get your code so neatly into the boxes? First, I manually type the spoiler tag (see below) without the hyphens. [-spoiler-][/-spoiler-] Second, I copy the script codeThird, I press the code button (blue angle brackets)Fourth, I paste the copied code into the box that pops up. If you manually type the code tag and paste the code inside, the formatting (i.e. tab spacing) will be lost. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted July 4, 2014 Share Posted July 4, 2014 Thanks :smile:. I think my problem is bigger than the script though unfortunately. I deleted the script from the container and tested it. Without the script it should accept any item but all items were put right back into the player's inventory. I think the best way to proceed is to create a duplicate of this container from scratch (using your script) and see if it behaves differently.Did you test that on a new game? Sounds like you are using a save that has some previous state of the container stored and it is not taking the new changes into affect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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