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Promote your mod - I can review it


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So I recently started a new website, Skyrim MW. It has a review section where I review mods in Skyrim. If you'd like me to review your mod, then I'd be happy to. Tell me what your mod is, and I'll take a look and (probably) review it.


Why review your mod?


People are more likely to download a mod that has a review. At least, they're more likely to give your mod a chance. A review gives them a better description of what the mod does, and whether or not they should try it. Since the review doesn't come from the mod author, they can trust that the review is mostly unbiased and therefore, more accurate.


PM me if you'd like to have your mod reviewed, or post a link to your mod below.


I won't sugarcoat things in the review. I'll say what I think is bad, and what I think is good.

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  • 8 months later...

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63482/? This is my follower mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63489/? This is my retexture for Elianora of Marcurio, to like like Dorian Pavus. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63457/? This is my house mod, (the one I'm most proud of) I would love a sugar free review and I will put them on my mods. Thanks

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http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63482/? This is my follower mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63489/? This is my retexture for Elianora of Marcurio, to like like Dorian Pavus. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63457/? This is my house mod, (the one I'm most proud of) I would love a sugar free review and I will put them on my mods. Thanks

I'll take a look at Pavus and your follower when I get a chance.


Bizkit, will do once updated.

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My Storage Helpers mod was originally released when it had far fewer features (and those it had didn't work as well) so it never got the attention I think it might if it were released now. I'm much happier with it's current state and it might even be the sort of mod you like given the other reviews you've already done.

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My Storage Helpers mod was originally released when it had far fewer features (and those it had didn't work as well) so it never got the attention I think it might if it were released now. I'm much happier with it's current state and it might even be the sort of mod you like given the other reviews you've already done.

I shall take a look.


BTW, all of yours I'll get a chance to look at soon but we'll see how soon. My skyrim installation is a little borked so I might redo it.

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My Adamantium mod was released a long while ago and because of its 'roughness' in its conception it didn't get a fair chance.


Recently it got a reboot (everything was a mess from file pathing to in game presentation so I decided to remake it from the ground up; take everything I learned from modding and remake my first ever mod). The mod has severally changed and improved with the reboot and the old video review I have of the mod no longer applies since the core mechanics of the mod have changed drastically since that time.


I would appreciate a good review on the mod since it is a WIP. That said though, everything the mod gives you is fully functional and most if not all bugs are irradiated; the reason I'm keeping it tagged as BETA is because I am releasing the mod in arcs sort of how 'The Wolf Among Us' was released in chapters so is this mods story. Right now the story has its intro arc and I'm working on getting the next arc made. The only thing in the mod at the moment that doesn't have a function is the meditate power which will be used as a way to unlock more powers in the later arcs.


I could use a good 'hard' review to know how someone who has knowledge about making mods sees this project, in the end its up to you; just wanted to throw it out there.

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My Adamantium mod was released a long while ago and because of its 'roughness' in its conception it didn't get a fair chance.


Recently it got a reboot (everything was a mess from file pathing to in game presentation so I decided to remake it from the ground up; take everything I learned from modding and remake my first ever mod). The mod has severally changed and improved with the reboot and the old video review I have of the mod no longer applies since the core mechanics of the mod have changed drastically since that time.


I would appreciate a good review on the mod since it is a WIP. That said though, everything the mod gives you is fully functional and most if not all bugs are irradiated; the reason I'm keeping it tagged as BETA is because I am releasing the mod in arcs sort of how 'The Wolf Among Us' was released in chapters so is this mods story. Right now the story has its intro arc and I'm working on getting the next arc made. The only thing in the mod at the moment that doesn't have a function is the meditate power which will be used as a way to unlock more powers in the later arcs.


I could use a good 'hard' review to know how someone who has knowledge about making mods sees this project, in the end its up to you; just wanted to throw it out there.

I'll take a look. Don't really do video reviews as much though I'm looking into getting into it. Won't guarantee a video but I'll see what I can do.


And it takes a while, esp. for a larger mod such as yours. So I'll get to it when I can. :) Lots of things to do. I'm no longer at the place I was when I first posted this - I don't have nearly as much time. But I'll try to get to those of you that I can.


TBH, when I saw this thread I forgot I had ever even posted it.

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This is not my mod but I definitively think this follower mod deserves to be reviewed and promoted because it's really well done. I don't think it's a well known mod but it certainly deserves to be. It's as fleshed out as other followers like Vilja, Sofia, and Inigo. It's the Evangeline follower mod.



Edited by vicious21
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This is not my mod but I definitively think this follower mod deserves to be reviewed and promoted because it's really well done. I don't think it's a well known mod but it certainly deserves to be. It's as fleshed out as other followers like Vilja, Sofia, and Inigo. It's the Evangeline follower mod.



I'll take a look.

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