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Three Things


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1: WHen I place a mine in a sleeping Raider's pocket, why does he only flip-flap around in his bed. I would think he would jump or something more than he does. Perhaps even lose a limb or something.


2: I shot a Super Mutant with a chinese assault rifle. Why does he then do an absurd flight through the air? Seems kind of off to me.


3. Why do I only get one bit of meat from a dead Brahmin? I would think a animal that big would have more for me to harvest. :wallbash:



Can anyone point me in a direction for mods, or perhaps make some to address these concerns.


Thank you


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1. Hmmm. Because they didn't think of that. :(


2. VATS mode = RuleOfCool Mode :cool:


3. Tradition? Balance (esp. with Yao-Guai)? If it didn't give just one or two, you could kill one Brahmin (or Yao Guai) and be set for the game.

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1. Yeah.. I guess they didn't. I figure the Bathesda guys have not seen a mine go off before. it is not pretty, trust me. Even when your demonstrating with sandbag dummies, it does not look pretty.


2. Thanks and thanks.


3. Ok, I see the point. thanks.

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