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70's Style Fallout 3?


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I never lived in the 1970 decade, but from what I have read, seen, and heard from people I know the 70's were rockin. So I have been thinking of a good idea to change the wasteland to something a little more 70's style.


Short Request:


I would like to see the 70's era captured and pasted into the Fallout 3 universe. I don't want it to be a total conversion, just a modification that makes buildings, cars, weapons, music, radio, armor, and people seem more in the 70's style. I have created a "short list" for modders in this short request, unless you have a lot of time on your hands and want to commit to a huge mod project: This short request is my "last ditch effort" to get someone to at least put some work into it.


List of do's:

1. Replace Hairstyles with that of popular 70's hairstyle.

2. Replace car meshes and textures with 70's style cars (With a touch of Fallout "nuclear powered" style added).

3. Add guns that were significant in that time era: M-16a1's, AK-47 (Retextured Chinese Assault rifle will do).

4. Change the radio music on GNR to stuff like The beatles, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, etc..

5. Add clothing that best resembles what people wore in the 70's. (Fashion was all over the place, but there was common ground).

6. Replace some world objects, props, and furniture with 70's related looks. (More modern Nuka-Cola machines, chairs, lamps, etc.)

7. Feel like you are in the 70's when you make this mod (It is important to know what you are modding!)


Long Request:


For the long request, this is for modders that have time on them more than anything else, or just feel a sudden urge to do a mod project that is large, or anything else that applies to why you would want to do it. My long shot at this mod would be many huge changes to the Capital Wasteland. Props, meshes, world objects, textures, sounds, weapons, apparel, and misc would need replacement in order for this to truely be a huge 70's world. I am not suggesting 100% of the game needs change, but just the things that stand out in appearance. You need to place the mod in such a way that it feels like you are living is a post-apocalyptic 70's style wasteland. This could be a hard project whoever may take it up, but if you do remember that not everything needs to be perfectly done. I would just like a major change in style to the game to feel the 70's and play the game with a leisure suit holding a M-16. So I have created this "long list" for those folks who wish to take up the huge wave if you get the saying.


List of do's:

1. Replace Hairstyles with that of popular 70's hairstyle.

2. Replace car meshes and textures with 70's style cars (With a touch of Fallout "nuclear powered" style added).

3. Add guns that were significant in that time era: M-16a1's, AK-47 (Retextured Chinese Assault rifle will do).

4. Change the radio music on GNR to stuff like The beatles, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, etc..

5. Add clothing that best resembles what people wore in the 70's. (Fashion was all over the place, but there was common ground).

6. Replace some world objects, props, and furniture with 70's related looks. (More modern Nuka-Cola machines, chairs, lamps, etc.)

7. Feel like you are in the 70's when you make this mod (It is important to know what you are modding!)

8. Change the game's building meshes to a 70's era architecture and style.

9. Replace traffic objects like bridges, ramps, lamp-posts, walls, and signs with 70's style.

10. Replace the Pip-boy with a similar pip-device re-meshed with biege plastic.

11. Replace computers with IBM or Apple style computers with the beige plastic coloring.

12. Make robots more modern style while holding the "nuclear" characteristics.

13. Replace Fighter jet meshes with the F-14 Tomcat.

14. Redo Rivet city to look like a Modern Aircraft Carrier.

15. Make the metro system more 70's style.

16. Add Traffic lights (Wrecked and some working) in cleaner parts of the wasteland.

17. Remesh "nuclear stations" to look bigger (With truck slots).

18. Replace House interiors and exteriors with 70's style residence style and standards.


Big big project to take up. I would be just as happy if anyone did the short version, but this is my "Perfect" rendition of the 70's while still obtaining the Fallout universe cahracteristics like the excessive sight of nuclear-powered appliances, cars, etc.


Thanks for reading! :thanks:

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A huge project for a modder to tackle, a whole team of modders would need to be assembled to get this done. Even for the short request, it'll take a few months to get it done. Good luck getting modders to work on it.


Just for your information, you cannot use songs from the 70's if you were to distribute this mod. They're still under copyright. As a general rule of thumb, 50 year rule on copyrited material is used. That is the date of the music was created.

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In *theory* if you wrote and asked each IP (intellectual Property) owner to use the song then you could include the music. HOWEVER, there is a low chance of a success and a high chance of being given the PR equivalent of "How about nooooooooo?" Although I admit Fallout needs more of that music. Also, M16s ARGHNO. From a lore perspective they're 70+ years out of date and from a post-nuclear point of view they aren't exactly survivable... 200 years in a semi-outside space would kill an M16 whereas an AK or a FAL/G3 might survive.
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I forgot about the music part.


I guess the way that would work out is: If you own the songs, you can take the mp3's and extract them to a radio folder? Also, I forgot a M-16 of that era has terrible durability and in a nuclear war that thing would stop working from sand blasting it, etc. Doesn't the CAR15 carbine have great durability compared to the M-16? But the CAR15 didn't come out until the 80's?


Here are some other weapon replacements:


Chinese Assault Rifle to AK-47 (The laminated wood would be worn out from the nuclear war, so keep it grayish like the Chinese Assault Rifle.)

10mm SMG to HK-MP5 (The first version) Give it a scratched look.

10mm pistol to a Glock 20

Missile Launcher to LAW rocket launcher


Other weapons remain the same due to non-comparison.


So I guess another assault rifle from that period that can be used instead.

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Also, no changes need be made to the DC Metro, aside from the occasional poster. The Metro system opened in '76. And I'd suggest an F-4 Phantom instead of a Tomcat as more 70s-ish, as though the Tomcat was introduced in '74, the F-4 would've been more numerous than the Tomcat for a good while. Highways wouldn't be all that different either.


Making hair meshes, so I've heard, is a huge PITA.


I'm not sure 70's culture would survive long after the bombs fell. Free love and flower power would quickly die out in such a bleak world. You could see the remnants of it, but I don't think any people would still carry the same attitude.


And come on, half the fun of Tranquility Lane is totally wrecking Leave it to Beaver. :D

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Well, I guess the aircraft could be F-4 Phantoms, those were great jets at the time as well. The metro system would need some refinishing like ads and posters like you suggest. The road system lacks traffic lights either wrecked or standing.
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I'm not sure 70's culture would survive long after the bombs fell. Free love and flower power would quickly die out in such a bleak world. You could see the remnants of it, but I don't think any people would still carry the same attitude.


I do believe you're mistaking 70's culture for 60's culture. The 70's were more a time of cool cars, great rock music and Disco dancing, although I am sure some of the 60's culture did continue on into the 70's. Hippies are usually too stoned to let a little thing like a post-apocalyptic, cannibal-infested, desolate wasteland get them down. Everything is groovy when you can't feel your fingers and the supermutant aiming a rifle at your head looks like a giant Buddha holding a bong.

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I'm not sure 70's culture would survive long after the bombs fell. Free love and flower power would quickly die out in such a bleak world. You could see the remnants of it, but I don't think any people would still carry the same attitude.


I do believe you're mistaking 70's culture for 60's culture. The 70's were more a time of cool cars, great rock music and Disco dancing, although I am sure some of the 60's culture did continue on into the 70's. Hippies are usually too stoned to let a little thing like a post-apocalyptic, cannibal-infested, desolate wasteland get them down. Everything is groovy when you can't feel your fingers and the supermutant aiming a rifle at your head looks like a giant Buddha holding a bong.




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