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Creation Kit with Mod Organizer


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey people. I used the MO-CK without much consideration of what I was doing, and my game got fcked up... I cant enter buildings, wait, or fast travel. I also get infinite loading screens and cant save most of the time. I cant even open CK through MO.


How do I undo this??? Please help ASAP....

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  • 11 months later...

Last night I made the switch from NMM to Mod Organizer. While it's immediately obvious that Mod Organizer is the superior tool, I was only willing to make the switch because the Mod Organizer guide and download page assured me that MO is compatible with the Creation Kit.


By "compatible," I assumed that they meant that mods installed with mod organizer show up and can be edited in the CK, not just that you can launch the CK from the MO interface. Yet when I launch the CK from inside MO, I don't see any of my mods.


While I am loving almost everything else about MO, the inability to edit mods installed through it or to make my own mods dependent on them pretty much breaks the tool for me. Am I doing something wrong here or is that standard behavior?



I can't even get the creationkit to run with MO. I keep getting a generic error when launching with MO and obviously launching it the standard way causes the CK to have absolutely no additional files loaded other than vanilla and the DLC.

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